Indoor Mish·Mash Grow - Home Bred KVS Regular Seeds and 7+ Year Old Bag-seed Find (photo)

Dec 3, 2014
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Nirvana Aurora Indica, Sweet Seeds Black Jack...
Hey Folks, I posted last night in the intro section as a returning old stoner trying to fire up some old seed stash...I thought it would be fun to do a "grow journal" since I've never done one, and actually have no clue myself what the old bag seeds were. I NEVER kept bag-seeds unless they rocked my boat, so it could be interesting to find out what they actually are...The one's I do know the origin were KVS Regular Auto seeds I bred myself years ago because I kept the seeds and labeled them as DANK KVS. I found everything in an old dresser in the basement, sealed up in old prescription bottles along with a few pipes and other misc. crap.

I scuffed and soaked about 10 of each strain in rain water with a touch of 29% H2O for about 24 hours, and much to my surprise they had a few in the coco they went. I did it again and the same, so I put those in some Happy Frog soil...and now I have so many sprouting I felt like documenting just for fun!

You can see in the pics that I used red toothpicks to mark the KVS seeds....the green or bamboo sticks are the mystery photo bag find. So far I've had a surprising germination rate, so I should have enough to weed out the males and runts to leave me with a few nice females. I'm running all of them 18/6 with my T5HO's for now (they range from 2-3 days old to about 1 week in age). The KVS will eventually go outside for the summer, and the bag seed will stay in under my LED setup inside at 12/12.

Here are some pics....they are all in sprout trays with a heat mat, and I've just used rain water with a tiny bit of GH's Bio Root added, PH'd to 6.2 and the PPM is around 100. I will likely need to re-pot them soon so I can sex them.....hey, if anything I'm having fun!

6 KVS and 2 bag seeds in Happy Frog

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4 Bag seeds in Happy Frog

4 Bag in HF.jpg
4 more bag seeds in Happy Frog...

4 More bag in HF.jpg
4 KVS and 2 Bag in COCO

4 KVS and 2 Bag in COCO.jpg
8 Bag in Happy Frog...

8 Bag in Happy Frog.jpg
4 KVS and 6 Bag in Happy Frog

4 KVS and 6 Bag in HF.jpg
Well, I transplanted the KVS Auto's and Mystery bag photo seeds to 20 oz cups. I still have plenty of babies of both strains I might transplant this weekend. I start these in Happy Frog then when I transplant I use a 70/30 Happy Frog and Coco/Perlite mix...this has always worked well for me to add the coco and perlite to the Happy Frog. So far just lost a few to transplant shock, I did that before and I think it was an over watering in issue...starts out with yellowing cotyledons that move up and yellow and stunt the leaves and whole plant eventually. Here are some pics.....still just feeding rainwater with 1 tbs of Bio Root PH 6.2 adjusted.

Gotta run....will upload pics tonight sorry...

More babys, about 14 KVS Auto's and 8 Photo Bag seeds
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