Miracle Grow Soil

Mar 11, 2021
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Has anyone used Miracle Grow soil? Basically all I can find in my rural area. I haven't had problems, but I don't know if plants perform better in like Happy Frog.
I've smoked someone's bud that grew in miracle grow. I think the difference you will get is how much nutrients are in it and make up you won't get kelp alfalfa etc. I think you just might not get as much flavor/resin. You can make banana ffj and fpj out of weeds like dandelions comfrey you can make your own amendments. You can always try to topdress some dry kelp, guano, earthworm castings and alfafa cheaper to ship coast of Maine Stonington blend fertilizer and topdress. www.buildasoil.com Insect frass is good too. If you add to the soil and it isn't synthetic you should be able to build it up into a better soil. Hope that helps. http://www.cgnfindia.com
I have used the Costco Miracle-Gro organic with really good results. I add 30% perlite or 20% pumice to help with drainage. Of course I also add amendments of choice to help flavor and overall quality of growth.
@autumnrambler1 :welcome: Welcome to AFN:welcome: MPBs My personal Bro-science on the subject says yes you can grow cannabis in Miracle-Gro. Using some other mediums will work better for autoflowering plants. This is why I believe that to be true and why so many dope growers don't use Miracle-Gro. The auto flower has a short pre-determind life cycle. With only ~90 from seed to harvest, as a grower we want to have the nutrients the plant needs in the root zone when the plant needs it for the stage of the cycle the plant is in. The plant needs more N in early growth than in flower so we want to adjust the nutrients in the pot to match the needs. There are many ways to accomplish this task.

Miracle-Gro has a time release form of N that lasts longer than 90 days. The result is too much N is available to the plant in flower. N is a luxury nutrient and the plant will process it even when it does not need it. This diverts energy from the flowers. They will still grow but they are not at full potential.

A dash of P-K in week 5 is a good idea.

DO NOT use Miracle Grow soil. As a new grower I used Miracle Grow in my first grow which made it very difficult to manage nutrients throughout the grow. I also find it get's very compact over time and not very airy at all. WORST of all, my Miracle Grow soil came per-installed with FUNGUS GNATS. At first I thought that they just came in from outside some how, even though my tents are in the basement in a closed room far from the outside. Once I finished that grow and migrated to a high quality peat mix from a hydroponics shop I noticed that I had no gnats in my tents cause I cleaned it all out very well, but still gnats outside the tents in the room that tried to get into my tents every time I opened them. I couldn't figure it out until two months later after battling these gnats and trying to keep them out of the tent I realized that the two bags of Miracle Grow soil I still had in the room had a couple little holes in the bags and the gnats were coming out of the bags!!! I put the bags outside at minus 20C weather and low and behold the gnats are gone in the room, and frozen dead outside I hope. I will never buy that stuff again. It obviously wasn't just the bags I used, but also the bags I didn't use, so that means a whole bunch were infested with gnats. I'll let the wife use that unused soil freezing outside for outdoor pots in the summer. Do not use this stuff if you love your plants.