New Grower milkmann's LSD-25 and Stress Killer stealth/micro CFL Grow Diary

Okay thanks for that! I'll keep posting updates in here too, would be great if you could pop your head in from time to time and see how badly im doing! lol :sadcry:

I will keep an eye on your thread. I think you will do fine.This will be the first micro i have experienced. I will help you as much as possible. Cheers.
Ok guys, here an update as of today.

Day 16, the one in the smaller cabinet (LSD-25) had been squashed by the thermometer for a few hours on approx day 10 before I noticed, sorted herself out again but I imagine that's partly why she looks to be 1-2 days behind in growing, as well as the slightly higher temps and less-favourable environment. The larger one, (Stress Killer) looks okay. Started her LST today, going to be attempting an around the pot style LST. She currently has a total of 110ish watts.

I gave the pots a soaking about 5 days ago and haven't had to water since - could this explain the slightly droopy leaves (maybe I should have waited a bit longer before soaking the pot...) I was going to resume watering when needed (probs tonight or tomorrow) and introduce nutrients as well now. Is it better to water a small amount every day or water a bit more and let it dry over 2/3 days?

I originally had the 65w CFL in the smaller cab but the light wasn't reaching any lower branches so that's why the light arrangement looks a bit funny - it's a 45W and 25W - but at least more of the plant is getting light now. Temps still reaching 30c though.

All opinions welcome!

Stress Killer:

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I wouldn't worry about the LSD it looks great and it is a very hardy plant. As far as less than optimal conditions the Fast Buds description is that it will thrive in any environment just keep her wet and you are ok. I like to water less and water every other day or two at that stage. The leaves look good not too droopy from my view but 5 days is awhile in between watering.Let the pots dry out completely. They're making a root system rapidly but it is not large enough to uptake all that water so it sits there until it evaporates and is taken up by the plant. You are ok just watch the watering in large amounts for now as the plant develops and starts taking more water regularly. water until you get about an inch of runoff and you are good.
@Ripped In Oregon thanks man! Okay, I'll give both a small watering tomorrow morning, the pots are still slightly moist an inch or so down. Yeah I think I should have waited a bit, I just thought that the bottom half of the pots must be bone dry seeing as I had only been watering tiny amounts and so the roots would get dry? At what point should I be looking to water to runoff? :bighug:

Bump for all the americans out there right now :biggrin:

Respect :smoking:
@Ripped In Oregon thanks man! Okay, I'll give both a small watering tomorrow morning, the pots are still slightly moist an inch or so down. Yeah I think I should have waited a bit, I just thought that the bottom half of the pots must be bone dry seeing as I had only been watering tiny amounts and so the roots would get dry? At what point should I be looking to water to runoff? :bighug:

Bump for all the americans out there right now :biggrin:

Respect :smoking:

It's ok to do it when you did it was just that you gave them a little too much. How much runoff did you have when you watered them? I would wait until they are dry at that depth. I hear ya on the worried about the bottoms being bone dry. I have never grown with CFL"S so I would also imagine that would play into why it took so long to dry out. You can have some runoff as soon as your pots are dry and light when you pick them up. I get just enough runoff to get about a half inch of runoff in they tray at basically 2 weeks old. Just make sure your pots are dry before each watering but not so much your leaves are drooping badly. peace..:slap:
@Ripped In Oregon Yeah in retrospect shoulda just given 500ml or so really. I haven't actually watered to proper runoff yet, they aren't big enough yet I feel. Just giving them small waterings of 250ml and seeing how they take it. Still seeming to be growing rather slowly - hopefully will start the explosion soon. Perhaps the larger watering was to blame. Does the pot size make a diff? I'm in a 6L and 10L.

@milkmann You are correct on the proper runoff they are small as far as watering with that much. You are ok with the larger watering because you didn't compound it and keep watering. It may have slowed them down a bit but they will bounce back and I bet you see a big difference in growth in the next week or two. Just keep watering like you are and don't over do it and you will be good. As the pots are drying out those roots will search for water and create a good network of roots. Over watering will drown the roots and then in turn the roots can't get oxygen or nutes and it locks them out. Pot size will dictate (usually) the size of the plant somewhat or give it the room to reach it's potential. I use 5 gal pots and I have had big 4ft plants and 2.5 ft plants in the same size pots. I would say smaller pots are easier to over water. I had no idea you were in small pots like that,you have the right idea on the watering.
Hey all another update. This time it's day 20.

The LSD-25 in the 10L smart pot seems to be growing pretty well (compared to my last grows anyway). Environment in her box is always 29-32c, 40-50%, and she still looks pretty healthy. Got 2 light fans on her constantly to keep air flowing around the bulbs and plant. Feeding her around 250ml every morning so far. Probably will increase to 300ml tomorrow morning. Alternating between nutrients, silica and plain water. Spraying daily with plain water and alg-a-mic. I'm going to try and build my pot SCROG system tomorrow as she'll need to start being bent over within the next 2-3 days. She's only been getting 60w of CFL lighting as otherwise the cab gets way too hot.

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The Stress Killer I think was put back a few days back with my enthusiastic watering last week with the pot - the leaves look droopy, still, and the grow medium is moist a knuckle down. Gave her 250ml this morning and about 150ml the other day. There are a couple of holes in the leaves, as well as some strange marks. I hope there aren't any bugs again. Started her LST last week. Also spraying daily.

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Any thoughts welcome!
some additional input from some experienced growers would be great! any micro or CFL growers, or airpot users!

Time for an update: Day 24...

Stress Killer

Still got drooping leaves, although I think they're getting better every day. Will they fully un-droop when they're back to normal? (I overwatered about 10 days ago and she has yet to fully recover I think). Realised I should have let her grow up before starting the LST, some of the big fan leaves are literally right in the soil - it looks so messy, and horrible. I had to cut a fan leaf today (pictured) as it was all getting too cramped, and the leaf was affected anyway. Next time I'll let her open up a bit more, with the lights a bit further away. Thinking of cutting one or two more big fan leaves off (the ones in the dirt), maybe one leaf every 3 days or so. Would this be okay?

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Environment is so off for this one - 30-40% RH and 27-33c, with only 50w of CFL on her. Still looks happy, and healthy considering the conditions and poor lighting. Built some dodgy SCROG kinda cage the other day, hopefully she'll fill out a few squares before her growing stops. Been giving her around 500ml of plain water every 1-2 days as it's so hot in the cabinet. WIll start proper feeding tomorrow as the new growth is looking slightly light green.

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Also, the Red Poison's I've literally left to the UK weather are doing okay... gonna chop the smaller 2 plants probably in the next 10-14 days.

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