New Grower milkmann's LSD-25 and Stress Killer stealth/micro CFL Grow Diary

Dec 22, 2015
Reaction score
Hi all, shorter version available at the bottom.

This time I'm going to be attempting to grow FastBuds LSD-25 auto, and Royal Queen Seeds' Stress Killer Auto. I say attempt to grow, because all my grows so far have been awful. Last grow was especially horrible, I only managed a measly 10g dry of Stress Killer, and it was infested with mites and aphids etc - high temperatures in UK meant I had to leave all windows wide open, and cabinet doors wide open, even through the night, for around 4 weeks, as well as being absent for key parts of the grow (veg stage, half flower stage) and had to direct my housemates to try and keep her alive. Just for ideas, it was reaching 35-40c in the cabinet without the doors open. I have made many mistakes in all my grows so far, and I really, really need this grow to go relatively OK or I'll probably just sell my growing stuff and stop lol.

I'm growing 2 plants in two cabinets - one cabinet is tiny, the other is a bit bigger (see pics.) The smaller cabinet, with the 45w CFL in there, is currently reaching 32c canopy level with doors closed, and ventilation on full. My ambient temps in bedroom are 23-28c. This is proving difficult to deal with.

Strain Information

Stress Killer combines the sharp lemon flavour and mentally uplifting high of Lemon Haze with the subtle tones and potent CBD content of Juanita la Lagrimosa. By then crossing this further with a prime specimen of ruderalis we have created one of our clearest and most focusing strains to date.

LSD-25 - Although the effect could be called a classic powerful body stone, LSD-25, of course, also has a psychedelic effect that is manifested as active creativity - you are overflowing with ideas and inspiration. If you smoke it heavily, you will notice some visual effects. Don't forget to cure the buds a little, which will open some new dimensions to this strain. The effect of smoking is so long lasting and powerful that you can easily over-smoke it, even if you have a very high tolerance to THC (which is a rare occurrence with autoflowering strains).

Stress Killer - 6L airpot, subject to LST, will have max 100w CFL on her (with all 4 25w bulbs in)
LSD-25 - 10L smartpot, going to try some sort of SCROG (really just to limit vertical growth as the space is so tiny), has 45w at the moment on her, but as temperatures go down (hopefully) can increase to 65w. Won't be able to get the 125w in there until it's the middle of winter I'm afraid, temps at canopy level were reaching 45c. Any tips in regards to this would be great (both temps/CFLs and increasing lighting/grow tips to increase yield)

NUTRIENTS: biobizz light mix, BB nutes (grow, bloom, topmax), ecothrive charge, plant magic bio-silicon, microbe life photosynthesis plus. Not all at once, will alternative feeds between plain water, BB nutes/P+, and silicon, with Charge being added in at the beginning, middle and ending of the grow (W1, 5, 8 ish).

Water is left to stand for 24 hours and then bubbled for 24 hours. Nutrient mixtures are bubbled for anywhere between 4-12 hours depending on volume and my day-to-day.

Pre-rinsed the light mix with some Photosynthesis +.


Stress Killer - 24-29c lights on, depending on ambient temps. 45-55% RH. light fan on seedling.
LSD-25 - 28.5-32.5c lights on, depending on ambient temps and if the mini-humidifier is running. 40-65% RH, again depending on humidifier.


Growing a Stress Killer auto and LSD-25 auto. 6L airpot, 10L smartpot. Separate cabs. BB nutes and soil, silicon and couple of extras. CFL grow, essentially a stealth/microgrow. Growing for personal use. All grows so far have been lame AF and I need this to go above averagely!


Day 7, so far just been fed ranging amounts of bubbled water (from 100ml-250ml) in a ring around the seedling, when the leaves looked droopy. Each time after watering, the leaves perked up and started praying. However, I'm weary of getting too enthusiastic and over-watering. The pot was soaked before planting the seed, which was 11 days ago. At what point should I be looking to do a more thorough watering (with or without runoff?) Any advice would be sound, as watering was one of my main cock-ups in my previous grows. Either too much, or too little.

Will probably introduce a light silcon feed now they are a week old, will also use the Ecothrive charge when I next soak the pot. After 14 days I'll introduce the BB nutes - sound okay?

Sorry for the text, just like to be thorough.

Cheers all

Stress Killer

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Grow cabinets

So this girl here you're not having any problems right with this grow that you have going on now I stay in the United States South Carolina and I had bad problems with gnats fungus gnats and I use that gnat mix and once my seedlings start growing into veg I put a layer of that stuff on my soil and I have no fungus gnat problems at all but I don't know what you might be dealing with over there might be different
Those little micro grows are cool. I love the setup but man that one with the fabric pot now that is going to be interesting . The height limitations is what really has me interested. @milkmann here is some rep for starting a really cool grow and sharing:slap::grin::woody:I will be watching this one I am sure it will be a good journey.:smiley1::smiley1:
Howdy Milkmann , I love the LSD , first was a eye opener , on my second LSD grow now . Your one is only little now but around the end of week 2 is will move along , then when week 3 hits ,bang she is off , at this stage I was at 60 % of full strength . N.P.K 10.5.5. I am now at 65 % , :thumbsup::vibe::vibe::vibe:
Good luck on your grow, I have 2 lsd on day 12 I made a thread in this section if you want to check it out.. I'll stick around and try to help when needed.
Thanks for the kind comments all! @Ripped In Oregon yes the height limitation factor kinda scares you think I should top once at the beginning to encourage bushier growth? I know it's usually a no-no... Otherwise I fear, if this grow does go well, she'll be far too big for the space. Although, the less-than-ideal environment might naturally slow growth down.
@hecno how much did you get off the first grow, and how is this second one doing?
@Autoflowa thank u and yes i'll be sure to check the grow diary out!

What are people's thoughts re. pot watering? Time for a soak yet or still rings around the seedling? When should I introduce feed?


milkmann , about 56 grams . if you click on second organic grow and fast buds at the bottom here , you will see my roe so far . :thumbsup:
Thanks for the kind comments all! @Ripped In Oregon yes the height limitation factor kinda scares you think I should top once at the beginning to encourage bushier growth? I know it's usually a no-no... Otherwise I fear, if this grow does go well, she'll be far too big for the space. Although, the less-than-ideal environment might naturally slow growth down.
@hecno how much did you get off the first grow, and how is this second one doing?
@Autoflowa thank u and yes i'll be sure to check the grow diary out!

What are people's thoughts re. pot watering? Time for a soak yet or still rings around the seedling? When should I introduce feed?



Well topping an auto is something I don't do at all. It will make it bushier which is something you don't want (I would imagine) in a small space as that. I was thinking LST more of a open her up and keep her stretched out as much as possible. I have never seen or even been remotely involved with such a small space. A less than ideal environment may stunt the growth but can led to other problems. I know there are some guys that like to grow in micro areas and are good at it. I would hop in the LIVE STONER CHAT and introduce yourself and I guarantee you will get the answers you are after.
Okay thanks for that! I'll keep posting updates in here too, would be great if you could pop your head in from time to time and see how badly im doing! lol :sadcry:
Update: Just thought I'd upload the pictures I took today when doing my plant inspections (co-incides with my GrowBuddy app), which I do every 5 days, will probably update from now on every 5 days too. This is them after 9 days, I'm thinking it's nearly time to give the pots a soaking, even just so there's no dry pockets as it's been 12 days since the pots were pre-soaked... for the 6L pot that should be approx 1.5L and the 10L should be approx 2.5L is that correct?

Are the white marks on the leaf just salts that have evaporated? Most likely from my spraying the leaves with a weak Alg-a-mic solution?

Have also included a few pics of my outdoor Red Poison (couple edited as well), left entirely to the awful UK weather and nature, with about 4 weeks to go I'd say.


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