Outdoor Mikromachine Harvest Time?

Should I remove the yellow fan leaves?

Hi, we have had a wet and cold week but the next 2 are forecast to be hot and sunny!

This is what the 2 look like at the moment.
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As you can see from the photos, the Muzar has got a few golden trichs and I am hoping to chop her later this week. That will be 15 wks (105 days) from sprouting. The Mikromachine still needs a bit longer. It’s now at 17 wks!

Should I start to remove the yellow fan leaves on the Muzar to let more sun onto the lower buds?
I wouldn't judge a strain by just one plant. Autos are still relatively new and not fully stabilized yet. It's pretty common to get several different phenotypes from a given batch of seeds. You might get a different pheno on the next grow of the Mazar and get a monster.

Following your advice I have another AutoMuzar bean that I have germinated and it has been showing for 3 days. I intend to plant it outside in 40lt pot with PlagronLight Mix soil, Perlite and Bat guano. I will use Superthrive and BioBizz as per their schedule but at ½ dose. Is there anything else I should be doing?
Leave your leaves on! There are a lot of fairly hotly divided people when it comes to leaf removal, but fundamentally, they're feeding your plant so your buds swell. Pulling them off before they're absolutely dead and crispy takes away needed sugars that your plants could use elsewhere. Jorge Cervantes (a legend in the cannabis cultivation world) recommends leaving your leaves on...hence my stance on it. He doesn't know everything, but he knows a little bit...:bong:
Hi, the AutoMuzar has lost all its large fan leaves. Triches still look to have very few amber though. So I did “the girlfriend test”. Took a small bit of a middle bud and quick dried it in the airing cupboard overnight, ground it and left it on the side. She saw it and I toldher she could have some but to be careful. She’s a greedy one! Three min later her eyes were like Bugs Bunny’s and she had a rush going for 40 min the got really mellow, ½ hour later she is out like a light. Ah Peace Man! :buds:

So with the ripeness test passed, will be chopping her 1st thing tomorrow.

The Mikromachine has now been chopped. This photo was taken 6 days ago at week 19.View attachment 114722

I cut the top 1/3 (126g wet) View attachment 114720and hung it to dry.

This is the top 1/3 after trimming and 5 days drying it weighs in at 42gView attachment 114715View attachment 114714.

This is the remainder and was chopped today. View attachment 114719
This is a close-up of the bud just above the bottle topView attachment 114718.

The wet weight is 332g View attachment 114717and is now drying.View attachment 114716

I also took this picture of the root ballView attachment 114713.

The base of the plant is 23mm across.(just under an inch) So all my concern about the time to finish was not justified. 458g wet! Once dried, trimmed and stalked the total dried will be around 115g (4 ½ oz). Shows that an outside organic grow can work with an auto. The Auto Mazar came in at 37g trimmed, dried and stalked.

I now have another DP Auto Mazar and 3 BC Bud Depot The Purps on the go.
Hey nice Thread. I'm growing auto mazar to, but i am suprised on fast grow. My english is not 10/10, but i hope that you will understand my question :)

https://www.autoflower.org/attachments/f6/103129d1341932621-mikromachine-harvest-time-dsc_0053.jpg On this picture auto mazar it's on the right side right?

How big was mazar? and 37 it's a good yeild for autoflowering strain ;) My auto mazar it's about 35 inches big and i tink that i have 2 phenos, one is mostly indica and the other one is hybrid :)
Hi Ray, thanks for your comments.

The Mazar is on the right and was at about 26 inches when cut but it was also at 17 weeks. Here is a photo at wk 16.View attachment 115011
The root ball filled up the 40lt pot which is 18 inches across.View attachment 115012

The buds liked the extra time and were very dense and surprisingly heavy; when I cut it I expected about 25g and was happily surprised by the finished crop.

I have another on the go; this is it at 22 days from popping up.View attachment 115010

What are you growing yours in?
Hi, thanks for the answer. My mazar's are in normal soil,buyed from the local garden center, but they are in different pot's. They are from DP.
My mazar's are in 8 week of flowering and i'm rly suprised how hard buds they are producing rly amazing :) But 17 week's ?that is too long... All reports that i had seen was finish in about 100 day's as say's dutch passion :)
Mybe you had bad luck and got a bad pheno, but looking my mazar's they will be finished at first week of september. I fertilize just with bat guano in flowering and for start i used organic "pellets". :toke:
The guys from DP said it is probably due to the rubbish weather (we have had the wettest 3 months in UK history). It was only 20% golden at 17!
The buds gained a lot it the last two weeks and the smoke is A+ very good heady high with only mild munchies.
Hi Newbe are you using lights or sun?. At our latitude autos never finsh on time outdoors even if the weathers great. Iv a DP mazar outdoors this year thats gone 120 but she just finshed. When there grown indoors under lights they will but have yet to see them finsh in time outdoors unless there small . The bigger you go the longer they take to fill out i find