Sweet Seeds [Micro] RedPoison Auto under Cree

Day 18

Nothing much happened, she is going great.
Watering every 2-3 days with 400-500ml. Will water her later today with water and supervit.
Wanted to show difference in just 2 days.


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DAY 22

Because of higher temperatures (30-32C) Im watering every 2 days with 500-600ml, supervit with every watering and root every second. Will give her Root once more and enough. She showed sex 3 days ago, on day 19. Will wait till next Friday, which will be her 4th week to start bloom nutes, bought Plagron Terra Bloom and Green Sensation.
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Everything is going ok except for the lower leaves, but I think its because I havent used any grow nutes.
Yeah it was on the wall but few days ago I moved it a little bit with that cardboard i glued on it. But thanks on advice. Cheers
Day 43

Fattening nicely, think purple color is going to show up. Wont be sad if it doesnt, but thats the reason I choosen this strain.

She is little burnt with Plagron Bloom and Green Sensation, today watered with plain water, and next watering will be water only. Watering every 3-4 days.

Its day 11 for Black Jack, nothing important to say. Just watering it and letting it go.

RH: around 40-50%.
Temp: 25-30°C.


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DAY 46

Small update, dimmed panel to around 500mA, 70W. She seem to like it, fattening so nice. Watering every 3-4 days, last two waterings with pure water. This friday should be new watering, Bloom and Green Sensation full dose.

Temp around 26-9C these days, RH is a little bit higher 60-70%, will work on that.

On the picture number 3 you will see bud which was eaten by a dog, should I leave it that way or cut whole branch or whats your suggestions? Im thinking of leaving it that way.

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Black Jack is 14 days old today, nothing special happening. Growing nicely. Thinking of leaving him in this 3L pot, and adding 3 more 3L pots or re-plant him on sex sign in 5-6L pot and adding a new seed in 3L pot.


The reason I updated so early after the last update is I managed to take better pictures so wanted to share them.