Sweet Seeds [Micro] RedPoison Auto under Cree

Apr 4, 2016
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This is my first Sweet Seeds grow and Id like to start a journal here.

Tent: 35x35x60cm
One 70cfm fan for exhaust, one 60mm mixing air and passive intake.
Soil is Terra Magma Blumenerde, very good soil.
Using Hesi Root and SuperVit so far, I need to buy other stuff, might go with Plagron Terra starter pack.
Temperature is around 28 when lights are off and around 30 when they are on. Rh is around 50%.
This baby is like 2-3 days old, wasnt home for two days and she stretched a lot so I taken her out and planted a little deeper. Im most certain I didnt damage the roots but if I did Ill start new seed asap.
A little update, not sure is she slow because she was started in big pot or she was a little stunted after re-planting.
Rh is around 50% and temp is around 28-32. Will buy better fan these days. Light regime is 18/6 and will stay that way.
As I already said not sure why is she so slow, at least it seems to me she is slow for 10-11 days old plant.
Whats your opinions, should I leave her or plant another?

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Hi mjau!

Thanks for sharing ;)

The plant looks fine to me for a 10 day old plant. Could be taller, but the stem looks good and the leaf size is also good. Maybe it's going to be a short branchy plant, which is also good taking in consideration you are doing a micro grow.

I understand your doubts, that why it's always better to germinate 2 seeds even when you want to end up with 1 plant. Like that you could choose the best one. But I wouldn't give up on this one. It looks fine and healthy. If the soil is good (if you had good results with the same soil in the past) then the plant will probably start do develop faster very soon. Keep on giving it enough water, just around the stem for another 5 or 6 days, and then until water comes out from the drainage holes.

And keep us updated.

All the best and sweet smokes!

It was a little bit taller because I wasnt homr for 2 days and she stretched, so Ive taken her out and planted deeper.
The soil Im using is very good soil, often used on Balcan.

Edit: shes been getting supervit and hesi root, then water and yesterday again supervit and root
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Cheers my friend!

If the soil is good I wouldn't use the supervit for now.

The fact that you planted her deeper could make the plant stress a bit and stop growing for a few days. Lets hope it does not happen.

Keep it up and sweet smokes!

Another update, nothing special happening.
Day 16
She is going great, few colder days here so temperatures went down a little bit. Will buy new fan these days to fight hotter days and I need to re design my led panel because of bad heat dissipation from cobs to heatsink. It is 4xCree CXB 2530 3000k, currently on 350mA, 45-50W. Going to dim it to 500mA in the 2nd phase of flowering.
Tonight will water her, shes getting hesi root and supervit.

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