Grow Room Micro Growing, Stunted Style

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Greetings AFN and welcome aboard to all the new folks,

Been busy as hell lately staring at the cabinet, I stuffed up the smaller ones....they dried out overnight a little ways back and they are stuffed me thinks.
I will be resetting them for another attempt very soon.

The ones in the big pots are still alive :)
Feeding at 70ppm about 50 fuckin times a day!

A little later I am planning on gently removing a pot so I can have a look at the rootings :)
So more pics later.

Live long and stay stoned my AFN friends,
Stunted Malfunction
oh man!!! This is both a pain and a pleasure to watch!! hahaha!! :roflcry: :grat:
You never cease to amaze me brotha Stunted! Looks like your growin in clay shot glasses lol!
Hi Stunted, Sorry to hear about your recent loss of the wee lil ones, :cry:
:idea: you could use a pop bottle with air tube and splitters to make an auto water system help free up some watering time lol,
Phoenix, great to see you my friend :pass:

a little update since I depotted one yesterday to see what the roots were doing :)

First the group shots and one with the watering tool....
G1.034_2013-04-30.jpg G2.022_2013-04-30.jpg G3.025_2013-04-30.jpg G4.030_2013-04-30.jpg

The Bad Betty rootings....
BB1.026_2013-04-30.jpg BB2.027_2013-04-30.jpg BB3.028_2013-04-30.jpg BB4.029_2013-04-30.jpg

So far so good, the hardest part is the watering....its a nightmare....a big thanks to those suggesting ways to water these things.
At the moment my cabinet is overloaded so its hard to rig some sort of dripper system up. Not to mention the upcoming cabinet butchering.....

Arggg shhhiiiitttt, I better go because they probably need watering.

Live long and stay stoned my AFN friends,
Stunted Bonsai
HERBAL, I missed ya man..
..there is so many I need to catch up with here!!!!

ditto brother stunted :buds: it seems the everything is growing accordingly. :smokebuds:

this show right here reminds me of a chocolate cupcake! (with some greens :D)

keep it growing my friend :dance: :booya: :dance:
Hey Stunted... you could make a dripper system with a very simple and very cheap setup. you could make a dripper tube with only hole feeding each plant...
or...:crying: ... just thought up this one.... get a syringe, put an airline hooked to where the needle goes.. whala! Instant micro-DWC !
Sorry for the lack of updatings, my other moldy plants needed fixings....

SO....I forgot to water them when I was killing some other plants, by the time I found them they were all having a near death experience :(
I was flooding them every 30 minutes or so with water+H2O2 and I may have managed to resuscitate some of them. They are all standing back up but there is some major leaf damage on a couple.

Pictures...ummm cant find em, I will do a couple later so you can see the poor things.
If they don't improve rapidly I will kill them properly and restart!

Live long and stay stoned my AFN friends,
Stunted Homicide
You should make yourself a watering globe, if it would work in this sort of situation.