Indoor Mi5 LED & T5 Grow

Thanks agito, Mi5 is very potent smoke. I only smoke it at night, cause after a bowl of it, I'm no good! The high is best described as a mellow stone. Good for sitting down to watch a movie or something. It helps with my anxiety. It has a fruity taste and smell, kinda reminds me of grape kool aid. I'm not the best at writing up reports, so hope this helps some.
that helps plenty and all i needed to know +rep
Thanks man. What kind of project did you have in mind? If you don't mind me asking.
trying to breed a chocolate flavored ryder check my sig and im doing femmed seeds
i see it says advance nutrients in the thread tags. which products do you use and at how much and how often?
I used Sensi Grow A/B for veg and Sensi Bloom A/B for flowering, both is their new pH perfect edition. Bud Candy, Big Bud and Overdrive. I'm gonna drop the Big Bud and Overdrive for Bloombastic. I would run the base nutes half strength every watering, with occasional full strength feeding. I use their additves as recommended. I'm running straight ProMix with no additves and it only has a starter charge of nutes in it. I have to supply everything. Almost forgot CalMag from Bontanicare, it was a must cause my well water is very low PPM.
:bow: Dude I'm speechless... Absolutely incredible... :hot: :drool: Kickin' Auto Haters Right in the ASS!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!
LOL, thanks guys. I appreciate the comments.