Old Reviews MHP Masterblend tomato and vegetable fertilizer (yes the YouTube stuff)

I also have been using the Masterblend Fertilizer 20-18-38 how have you found it ..for me there loving it
little on the late follow up ...Just wanted to express Hydro can be some what non-forgiving but you learn how to remedy things so ....my Harvest was Great and I don't believe I will be changing my nutes ..Masterblend tomato and vegetable formula is OK with me (Green Crack, White Critical also LSD)
Did you maintain the 12/6/12 ratio from day 1 until chop? I got hydro gardens nutrient schedule which has lower amounts but have been curious about upping it to the 12/6/12 per 5 gallon mix.

Right now I'm on 5.8/2.9/5.8 per 3.5gal which is a little higher than they advise for my week. There aren't many people talking about these nutrients for weed so thank you for bringing it up. I don't see why they won't do every bit as good as weed specific nutes for a fraction of the cost, but there isn't a whole lot of chatter on the web about using them for this.
I did not for the first 2 or three feedings..gave it only a gallon mix.
1 gal water: 2.4 grams Masterblend ,2.4 grams calcium nitrate, 1.2 grams magnesium
and watch how much it drank...then gave it full feeding
5 gal water: 12 gms Masterblend, 12 gms Cal. Nitrate, 6 gms Mag. Sulfate
did this till harvest checking my Ph every 4 to 5 days,also adding water (changing)
Masterblend for me is the best...I really not in to all the Nut hype that I see going around...
I was wondering any help will be appreciated
I use RO water and with other hydro notes I had to add cal mag
I am getting good results with the mix on here but should I still add calmag or up the amount of salt and calcium
Thank you for replies