Grow Room Merlin's Solo Cup Grows.........


Im Joe Grizzly Bitch!!!!!
Sep 20, 2015
Reaction score
Hi all,
I recently wanted to find out which strains particularly grow well considering the size of a solo cup........ Some will adapt better than others and im intrested in learning which of these strains do fair in a small container such as a solo cup.........
So everytime i order seeds and get freebies imma be throwing them in a red solocup to see how it does......... I have plenty of freebies stocked myself as i made a good amount of seed orders recently and will have freebies to keep this thread pretty much perpetual for the next couple years id ill keep it detailed and updated daily w pics if possible.........
I work alot so i try to do it before work or after depending on when i get off work and if i have time in the morning before running out the door.......
Im goin to post my grow materials, the strain grown, and also ill be going to the site i order from and taking the stock photo of strain and a lil info as well for each strain i decide to germinate everytime i start or finish one up in a cup...........
Thanks for checking out my threads as i appreciate every set of eyes and all the members on this site.........its a great source of information and everyone is verybprefessional and goid to help a person out w any issues anybody may encounter thru their grows as well..........thanks again everybody
Making a growing supplies list next post........
This could be lots of fun to watch... You gonna keep it all in this thread or create a new one each time?
If you've got the seeds then what the heck - give it a shot [emoji41]
Ill prob do this thread in actual solo cups

Ill keep that other small one in our thread @dcat0921.....
I ordered some seeds this past monday and those should be here tomorrow if think
And then i ordered more ab an hour and a half ago or so
I think imma put an SAD in a solo cup when todays order i placed gets here...which is below......couldnt fitem all in this one pic but the only thing u dont see is the freebies which are blimburn i believe....

So these will be here in about a week or so and ill start my solo grow.......
Looks like my Christmas list [emoji41]
Can't wait to follow along on all these...
Hahah yea
I got
Cream carmel 3
Game over 3
Hubbabubbasmelloscopes 4
And fastberrys 3
Thats what will be here tommorrow
I placed an order with Mephisto yesterday...spent a bit [emoji54] but It's still cheaper than buying off the street. Only thing I hate is delivery time to the US...don't like waiting.
Yea for sure
Im tellin ya man
I realize the seeds are like 25 cents more a piece or sumthin in most cases but The Single Seed Center has NEVER taken more than 7 days to get to my mailbox.......thats worth it to me........and the stealth is really well done as well.......the quickest ive gotten them is 5 days from ordering
So ya may wanna check intk them man
For real they are the only place i deal w.........the only thing is freebies arent nearly as plentiful w their site but u get what u pay for........and quick and its reaent until u do get them if u dont gettem for some reason......guaranteed delivery so i highly reccomend them
Yea for sure
Im tellin ya man
I realize the seeds are like 25 cents more a piece or sumthin in most cases but The Single Seed Center has NEVER taken more than 7 days to get to my mailbox.......thats worth it to me........and the stealth is really well done as well.......the quickest ive gotten them is 5 days from ordering
So ya may wanna check intk them man
For real they are the only place i deal w.........the only thing is freebies arent nearly as plentiful w their site but u get what u pay for........and quick and its reaent until u do get them if u dont gettem for some reason......guaranteed delivery so i highly reccomend them
I give them a look for sure!! In fact I'm booting up my computer now [emoji106]
They are fast thats for sure
I used my personal debit card and real adress.......u have to use real name and adress but i havent had one shipment stopped or not show up yet knock on wood
I hope ya diggem man
They have a huge selection also