Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Super soil Question...

Jul 23, 2017
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My seeds and soil are on the way, great sale by the masters as usual! @mephisto My question is, how the hell do you use the super soil? I plan on using nine five gallon smart pots but am unclear on the mixing ratios. Yes i have been looking on the site for over an hour, yes i have used the search function, no i haven't found my answer yet. i have read that one bag will do two five gallon smart pots, bottom half of each then top with roots. I have also seen two tablespoons of the mix in each pot. Drastic difference if you ask me. Any help would be much appreciated guys and gals! I would like to order the correct about of roots asap. Thank you for taking the time to read this and point me in the correct direction. LETS GO BLUE , BEAT OHIO!!
Here ye be!

Autoflower Super Soil MixTo use this, simply add One Scoop (Two Tablespoons) of mix per gallon of premium potting soil, preferably Roots Original. Blend the soil and mix until the ammendments are distributed throughout. This is now ready to use Autoflower Super Soil.Layer the bottom half of your pot with the Autoflower Super Soil and the top half with unammended soil.Plant, water, and enjoy the results!*Additional Notes*-Earthworm Castings are great! I use them at up to 30%, but usually around 20% (1 gallon of worm castings to one 1.5cu ft bag of soil)-This mix can be used with coco. Instead of having two layers, as described above, you should use three layers. Full strength Super Coco in the bottom 1/3rdof the pot (2 Tbs per gallon), 1/2 strength in the middle 1/3rd of the pot (1 Tbs per gallon), and straight coco in the top 1/3rd of the pot.

These directions will also be emailed to you when your order ships.
Thanks for this. Wanted to try the super soil next time around.

Would Royal Gold (red bag) coco be OK with this mix?
Yes, that's a great brand. I use their Tupur. Try it out and let us know how it worked out for ya.

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Here ye be!

Autoflower Super Soil MixTo use this, simply add One Scoop (Two Tablespoons) of mix per gallon of premium potting soil, preferably Roots Original. Blend the soil and mix until the ammendments are distributed throughout. This is now ready to use Autoflower Super Soil.Layer the bottom half of your pot with the Autoflower Super Soil and the top half with unammended soil.Plant, water, and enjoy the results!*Additional Notes*-Earthworm Castings are great! I use them at up to 30%, but usually around 20% (1 gallon of worm castings to one 1.5cu ft bag of soil)-This mix can be used with coco. Instead of having two layers, as described above, you should use three layers. Full strength Super Coco in the bottom 1/3rdof the pot (2 Tbs per gallon), 1/2 strength in the middle 1/3rd of the pot (1 Tbs per gallon), and straight coco in the top 1/3rd of the pot.

These directions will also be emailed to you when your order ships.

right on man, you are the best. Been trying to find the thread that you had where it showed how you mixed it and in what amounts you used. should've saved it the first time i found it, lesson learned. i can just use distilled from the store and then i don't have to ph correct? i keep it in a 35 gallon container with air stones for what its worth. sorry it took so long to respond, been making out my second seed order. I may have a hoarding problem!

Thanks for this. Wanted to try the super soil next time around.

Would Royal Gold (red bag) coco be OK with this mix?

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right on man, you are the best. Been trying to find the thread that you had where it showed how you mixed it and in what amounts you used. should've saved it the first time i found it, lesson learned. i can just use distilled from the store and then i don't have to ph correct? i keep it in a 35 gallon container with air stones for what its worth. sorry it took so long to respond, been making out my second seed order. I may have a hoarding problem!

Yes to both. Coco and distilled water should both work just fine!