Walter White BX1 Tester is building serious trichome coverage....and just like her parent 'The White' , she is nearly completely free of odour....

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It's not Photoshopped my friend. She has taken on a Pink , or Purple hue along her edges, and mixed into her trichomes along the leaf surface. Only time will tell if it will become more pronounced, or fade from sight. I think it will become more pronounced as she ages, but I've been wrong before..Very pretty! So, is yours taking on a pink or purple colour? Or is that just photo magic? I've been staring at mine trying to decide if I see a colour or not. Used the phone torch, grow light on/off, glasses up, glasses down, etc... I can't tell!
It's not Photoshopped my friend. She has taken on a Pink , or Purple hue along her edges, and mixed into her trichomes along the leaf surface. Only time will tell if it will become more pronounced, or fade from sight. I think it will become more pronounced as she ages, but I've been wrong before..
Thanks for stopping in!
Thanks for the kind words, I do sincerely appreciate it. No colour enhancements have been added to the subject....period, save the brightness being minimally dimmed. Also, it is a single layer image. She's a beautiful cultivar, organically. Certain conditions can allow a cultivar to reveal any underlying colours that they may possess if managed correctly...but that is a lesson for another day...Oh shoot! I just re-read that. I did not mean to imply photoshop. I should have worded that better but I'm unfamiliar with the correct photography terms. I meant more of HDR or color saturation. The photo being taken so well and in such a way that the color is enhanced. You are a very good photographer and your bud pics are always beautiful.
Either way your image helped me decide that mine must be having a hint of colour, I just can't see it well enough! hahaha