Indoor Mephisto/ my crosses

Here is the gorilla photo from dinafem again so easy growing and dealing with 80 to 90 degree temps night and day with humidity that's not dropped below 60% and highs of 81% so I'm very happy with this plant and would recommend it for sure. Next pic is the unknown photo then the Pakistani valley which unfortunately seems to be the green pheno but still excited then the colossal purp and later tonight I will get good pics of the Johnny d x wook which I hope that 1 and the blue dream will be hitting the flower area this week coming up. The last pic is the Johnny d x wook but it's in that back right. The 1 on the left is either the xxl widow x sky lotus x American pie which was an accident lol or the double grape x zkittles will look after.
So I'm germing 10 pineapple crack f3 and squach24 x silverback aka gorilla squach pic of seeds in bag are f3 gorilla squach I'm hoping they take 2 days to germ but I have a feeling half will be ready tomorrow I'm going to have to do some creative plant management but I will make it work some how lol. Also found this baby tree frog on the roof of my car it's odd but I only see 1 each yr to bad bc they are so cool looking all camoed out.
So I knew I was going to get a bunch that germed in less than 24hr but of course bc I was hoping for 48hrs to get my shit together but nature has other plans, I planted 3 of the 6 that had tails and tonight I will figure out wat I'm going to do and a weird thing is happening to the colossal purps even though temps have been falling it's now starting to fox tail a bit which I think is odd I would have figured I would have seen this much earlier but the genetics hear are very odd I will get pics of the 1 in the 1gal pot and you will really see the pheno difference both are different then the other
I also am doing an experiment with 2 different things 1 is in the pic with the 2 small plants which 1 clone was taken and put directly in my coast of Maine mix it rooted so I then took the mother plant and put it into flower and waited till it started crowning or making pompoms then I cut another clone stuck it in dirt next to the original pot with the other clone so as to make sure all soil conditions r the same and that 1 rooted just as fast which I find interesting I also will be brewing some teas that will be examined under a scoope @ 50 to 600x magnification to see if it's biologicaly active also will be seeing if avocado or cantaloupe is a better breeding ground for worms. Should be interesting for sure
I think it's easier for them and the microbes to consume the avocado. Now if you want to capture a bunch of worms, it's the cantaloupe for sure.

You need to geek out and capture worms from both, weigh them and then calculate gr worm/sq cm fruit. LOL
Here is a quick pick of either silverback f3 or gorilla squach f3 I can't quite read the tag with out lots of moving things but she is beautiful and frosty she is the back left lady
I'm excited to see her bulk up as both of those strains are high on the favorite list. Also a pic of the blue widow x auto photo cross of american pie x a local photo reg which accidentally pollenated the blue widow definitely show great potential.
I think it's easier for them and the microbes to consume the avocado. Now if you want to capture a bunch of worms, it's the cantaloupe for sure.

You need to geek out and capture worms from both, weigh them and then calculate gr worm/sq cm fruit. LOL
Sorta wat I was thinking but I want to also add other things with the avocado vs cantaloupe like kelp meal vs alfalfa meal ect I'm going to make a page in my note book specific to wat I'm going to look @ but lmk any others I have limited tool/equipment but simple things I can and would like to do to get more info out to people like us who it can save us time and money amd most importantly take better care of our plants
So the double grape that struggled to peek through all the others look nice gess we will see when I smoke it lol. The next few pics are of the pakistani she went crazy in flower super N hungry but the other pheno that's in veg still is a bit rough from temps and she is 100% different structure everything. The 1 in
flower is stacked very well and luckily I have 2 clones to hopefully keep around if it's good pics below.


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So 1 of my buddies sent me a few pics anyone seen this before would be a cool trait to hunt for this I'm really interested to see how it finishes pics below
Looks like "back building " where you cut the bud while it just started to fill out. The guy who does Nuke heads has a video on it.
Looks like "back building " where you cut the bud while it just started to fill out. The guy who does Nuke heads has a video on it.
Yeah it looks like a double headed cola monster that has had somethin done to it I had a 3 headed 3bog but it didn’t look like that lol