Ahhh shiz whiz. Stepside

It's a clip fan I got on Amazon. Unfortunately it doesn't oscillate, it's just an adjustable. Works really good though!

Oh that`s a bummer, I`m planing to try make my garden 100% automatic down the road, and don`t want to buy too many new components :biggrin:
Glad it works for you buddy! :pass:
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Hey all, a little late but I'm here! I feel like I've got a decent variety to choose from this time around! I ended up going with Ripley's OG (hi-five @stepside) which I've had since my last Seedsman order and my wife wanted to try Skylar White after reading the strain description, we got for free with our 4/20 drop! Thanks @mephisto So here we are, dropped 2 beans of each, waiting for them to sink!

Just here for the ride and I hope to learn something out of the comp! Thanks all.
