will you be doing a journal of your creme bubblys iv got one on day 17 id like to watch a bunch of them grown :pass:
I'll be doing a journal -- but have not started it yet. If all my seeds make it, it will chronicle 3 variations: 1) AutoPot with Biotabs, 2) AutoPot with Enhanced AN nutes, and 3) FiberPot with Enhanced AN nutes. I'll tag you when its launched.
OK, step 3 for my beans. Shot glass to paper towel to Grow Plug.
0B.Germ a.JPG
0B.Germ b.JPG
0B.Germ d.JPG
I'll be doing a journal -- but have not started it yet. If all my seeds make it, it will chronicle 3 variations: 1) AutoPot with Biotabs, 2) AutoPot with Enhanced AN nutes, and 3) FiberPot with Enhanced AN nutes. I'll tag you when its launched.
thanks only 1sky :d5:
OK, ok... That'l have to do I guess!!

Seriously though, this is going to be one helluva great show! Look at all the bean and growers we got going here. Not to mention all the different styles of growing. Like Ed used to say "A really big shoe for you tonight!"

telling your age on that one, half these pup have no idea who ED is. you old fart. I know, I'm a old fart too.:crying::crying::cheers::bow: