Just keep in mind that what you checked was not the soil ph. Soil ph and feed/water ph are totally separate things. Ocean Forrest like all bagged soil, is buffered to stay at a ph of 7. A compost tea will not effect or change a soils ph. To check the ph of the soil you need a soil ph probe, like a Kelway. They start at around $80. Also, you do not need to ph water if you aren't adding npk nutrients. Mephisto doesn't grow in ocean forrest. You want to consider all of the variables when following a guide. The yellowing of the new growth is not light burn/stress. It's a symptom of the nutrient imbalances. Issues with immobile nutrients start with new growth and upper leaves and works it's way down the plant.. Issues with mobile nutrients start with older/bottom leaves and works it's way up the plant. With two bio tabs and ocean forrest you should definitely be using plain water. Bio tabs are a slow release product.. You don't know which nutrients are being released, or when they're released, or how much is being released.. So keep that in mind as the weeks pass. Lock out issues due to imbalances and/or excess nutrients, look exactly like deficiencies. But they aren't. The nutrients are still present in the soil, but they are not available to the plant. So adding more, only adds to the build up. I can only imagine all of the conflicting information out there.. Sheesh.. It's gotta be head spinning. But the beauty of gardening, is that it's science based, not opinion based. If You follow the science you'll be better off, trust me, lol. Personally, rarely ever post an opinion, unless asked. And even then I base it on science. Less is more when growing autos.. That's the best advice I can give.. You really don't need to do much at all.. The plant will be dead in 2 1/2 months or less. In a 5 gallon pot, Ocean Forrest has enough food to get at lest 4-6 weeks with water only.. So you may only need very light feeds here and there in the last month. Most new growers start adding extra stuff early and often and see issues soon after. A true deficiency is super easy to fix! Just add what's missing.. A true imbalance or lock out is super hard to fix. You can't simply remove extra calcium or potassium. Less really is more.