Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Grow and Show

Looking great and kudos to Mephisto and Trapper for the great vibes and generosity!
Thanks GBD.:Sharing One:
Yup, Trapper and Mephisto.. Good people:clap:
Thanks to both for their generosity.:tiphat:

All looks good in the garden bro..:Sharing One:
Thanks Duggy. :Sharing One:
The ladies seem to be enjoying their time in RoninGarden.

..."Comes around goes around" :)

Can't wait to join in on the Mephisto fun!
Thanks again Sir.:tiphat:
Looking forward to seeing a crackhead in your tent.

Looking great, will be watching... :Cool bud:
Thanks for stopping by Treeman.:Sharing One:

Lookin' lush brother :gthumb:
Thanks Officinalis.:Sharing One:
They should start filling in now.

Welcome to a Tuesday morning update.

The Mephisto ladies are jumping daily and seem to be enjoying the Autoroom.
Temps are finally dropping and the ladies are liking that.
Let's get to some pics..

Miss Chemdogging is at day 38.

She is now 20"/50.8cm tall from the rim of the Airpot.

She is a beautiful dark green and vegging nicely.

There are tons of busites on this fine lady.

We'll follow up with Miss AutoCush.
She is at day 33.

She is now 15"/38.1cm tall from the rim of the Airpot.

She is still a bit short, but she is filling in nicely with tons of budsites like her roommate.

I think this is going to be one dense little lady.

Their diets consist of the following:
1ml BioGrow/1ml BioCalMag/1ml BioRoot/.25ml BioWeed/1ml BioMarine/.25ml Armor Si/1ml Diamond Black per liter

Last but not least we'll close up this update with everyone's favorite crackhead.

Tyrone is chilling and enjoying the full spectrum goodness at day 13.
Her diet consists of the following:
.5ml BioGrow/1ml BioCalMag/.25ml BioWeed/1ml BioRoot/.5ml Diamond Black/.25ml Armor Si per liter.

Thanks for stopping by!
Looking fantastic as always! Didn't take too long for some crackheads to set up camp over here too :)
Looking really good! I hope my Auto Cush look that good when they get that far. I'm still depressed over how many plants my shitty water has ruined. My DWC Chemdogging have recovered, but they'll never look like this!
Looking fantastic as always! Didn't take too long for some crackheads to set up camp over here too :)
Thanks Trap.:Sharing One:
Keep an eye on those crackheads..

Looking really good! I hope my Auto Cush look that good when they get that far. I'm still depressed over how many plants my shitty water has ruined. My DWC Chemdogging have recovered, but they'll never look like this!

Thanks Pop.:Sharing One:
Sorry to hear about your troubles.
Hopefully she'll make a nice turnaround for you.
Sending monster :karma Cloud:karma your way.

Welcome to a Monday morning update of the Mephisto Grow and Show.
All the Mephisto ladies are doing great.
We'll start off this update with Miss Chemdogging.
She is at day 44.

She now stands 27.5"/69.8cm tall from the rim of the Airpot.

Bud sites all over are filling in nicely.

No real smell just yet. I'm sure that will change shortly..

Next up is the AutoCush.
She is at day 39.

She now stands 16"/40.6cm tall from the rim of the Airpot.

I would have to describe her as a very dainty plant.

She has thin branches and small in stature, but she is packed full of bud sites.

I can see some serious leaf tucking in this lady's future.

Miss AutoCush and Miss Chemdogging are eating the following:
1ml BioBloom/1ml BioCalMag/1ml BioMarine/.25ml Armor Si per liter.

I'll close up this update with everyone's favorite crackhead...
Tyrone Special at day 19.

Tyrone is chugging along nicely.

She is above the Airpot rim but not of any measurable height yet.
Her diet consists of the following:
1ml Biogrow/1ml BioCalMag/1ml BioRoot/.25ml BioWeed/1ml BioMarine/1ml Diamond Black/.25ml Armor Si per liter

Thanks for stopping by!
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They all look super healthy and a nice, dark, waxy green. :)

That Auto Cush is going to have you tucking for sure...super dense and tons of bud sites...hell, just tons of leaves everywhere...:)

I really like having a Tyrone a couple weeks in front of mine, gives me something to shoot for :)
Cocaine in the can.... :D They Look Beautiful Ronin.....and i slowly believe i need to get me some Airpods..... at least to compare vs the Root Pouches/Smart Pods i have. Good Job Mate and u will love Tyrone that lil Stinker.
They all look super healthy and a nice, dark, waxy green. :)

That Auto Cush is going to have you tucking for sure...super dense and tons of bud sites...hell, just tons of leaves everywhere...:)

I really like having a Tyrone a couple weeks in front of mine, gives me something to shoot for :)
Thanks Trap. :Sharing One:
The AutoCush is definitely filling in nicely.
Tucking has already begun.

Thanks Marga.:Sharing One:

Cocaine in the can.... :D They Look Beautiful Ronin.....and i slowly believe i need to get me some Airpods..... at least to compare vs the Root Pouches/Smart Pods i have. Good Job Mate and u will love Tyrone that lil Stinker.
Thanks MG. :Sharing One:
I highly recommend the Airpots.
Been using them for years and wouldn't use anything else.

Welcome to a Monday morning update of the Mephisto Grow and Show.

Today I'd like to introduce two new members of the Grow and Show.
I'll start off with Miss AutoCush x Chemdogging
Day 16


She is enjoying the full spectrum goodness in the autoroom.

Next up is the SourBubblinCrack.
Courtesy of Trapper and Mephisto's generosity.:tiphat: Thanks again guys.
Day 16.


Both girls are in 2 gallon Airpots with Botanicare coco amended with Azos for root development and Great White Myco.
Their diet consists of the following:
1ml BioGrow/1ml BioCalMag/1ml BioRoot/1ml BioMarine/1ml Diamond Black/.25ml Armor Si per liter

Thanks for stopping by!
The lil ones look lovely. Ronin are there any Benefits of the Diamond Black in Coco? Just wondering as i have a unused Bottle over here and i could add it to my Feeding Schedule.