Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Grow and Show

Heya Ronin, Rockin the coco and Mephisto gear! Ladies are looking most devine! Most impressive, the size of plants for the size of airpots. I was gifted a few and should use them! Next run for sure! Awesome growing mt friend!:thumbs:
Nice! It's actually pretty nice to have a break between updates
because you get to skip right to the climax. Looking great, Ronin. :)

You are really going to enjoy the ToofxFantasmo...mine is so funky...
starts like a bowl of children's cereal. Sugary sweet and creamy...then
moves into a hazy, skunk funk. It's wild!

The White Triangle turned out REAL nice :)

What kind of smells are you getting off Fantasmo #2?

Cheers & incredible as usual :)
Thanks Trap.:tiphat:
Well with your description of the TD x Fantasmo, I think we'll get along just fine.
Love the funk.
Fantasmo #2 is smelling just like the photo GTH#1 I grew, whereas #1 smells a bit fruitier.
Of course the smoke will be the big decision maker.:grin:

Great pics Ronin!
Thanks Treeman.:Sharing One:

Holy Shit! Your Plants are Amazing.. How smell the Alien x Triangle? I have the beans too.
Thanks Andi.:tiphat:
The Alien x Triangle has a great smell.
Hard to pinpoint as my allergies are going off right now.
I'd say a heavy incense with a bit of oily earthiness to it.
Touches of citrus in the back when she is rubbed.

Hi Ronin!

nice update :)

do you have any favourites from the bunch?

it looks like white triangle still has a decent wedge of weight to put on going by the appearance of her flowers!
Thanks Mitch.:tiphat:
Sheeeit. Putting me on the spot I see:grin:
Favorites... Hmmm... This is all without smoking any yet of course..
I'd say so far the Fantasmo, but I have a love for the GTH#1 so I'm kinda biased.:grin:
The White Triangle and the Triangle x Alien has really impressed me with their growth lately.
As Trapper stated, the TD x Fantasmo has a serious funk to it which I always like.:thumbs:
I guess I'm undecided at this point.. I'll have to get a few smoke tests in before I can make a final judgement.
All your ladies are a pleasure to grow so it's gonna be a tough decision.

Just love that last pic.
Thank you sir.:tiphat:

Heya Ronin, Rockin the coco and Mephisto gear! Ladies are looking most devine! Most impressive, the size of plants for the size of airpots. I was gifted a few and should use them! Next run for sure! Awesome growing mt friend!:thumbs:
Thanks Briman:Sharing One:
Organic coco and Mephisto gear have been a killer combo for me.
Add the airpots to the equation and healthy beautiful ladies are in the outlook.
I look forward to your first run with Airpots.
Welcome to a Wednesday afternoon update of the Mephisto Grow and Show.

Miss Fantasmo#1 came down on day 80.

She topped out at 28"/71cm tall.




Next up is White Train.

She came down on day 67.

She topped out at 28"/71cm tall.



Trichs were just unreal on this lady...

We'll follow up with Triangle x Alien.

She met the blade on day 66.

She topped out at 24"/61cm tall.





Of course I forgot the Toof Decay x Fantasmo...
I'll get some pics posted up asap.

Thanks for stopping by!
Here she is...
Toof Decay x Fantasmo.

She met the blade on day 67.

She topped out at 24"/61cm tall.

This lady decided to get all foxy on me.

Her smell is quite unique.

Can't wait to see how she develops in the jar...

Thanks for stopping by!
Stunning Ronin.

All of them look amazing and then send me back to stumbling through all my beans trying to figure out what next to grow. I got almost every strain by Mitch and then so many other breeders. But man all of these are just Trich'd out beyond Belief. Makes me want to pop em.

Excellent growing as always my friend.