Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Genetics - Catalogue - Order Info - FAQ's - AFN Promo's!

With the cost of 50 and 100 packs being so inexpensive per seed I don't think I could buy less ever again. $14 per seed is great with buy one get one but the 50 pack price is already like buy one get 2 free. Then add the buy one and now it's like buy one get 3 free. Wow so confusing lol. In other words if you plan on growing for awhile invest in the largest packs you can afford that's where the real value is. I love mephistos genetics!
Hey guys just an FYI...

Apologies we are absolutely swamped with emails and orders but we're doing our best to get everyone sorted as quickly as possible.

Bill has been answering 100 emails per day over the weekend and has 200 to work through today.

So please don't dismay if you don't hear anything immediately. It's time consuming to work through each order manually.

Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding :D

Much love, thanks and hope you all had a great holiday weekend (for those that have it)

Kind regards Mitch
Mitch told me that on per Email :D very Happy i am 10 seeds i can pic awesome!!!

FUCK everythink is Out of Stock know :-(
WOW! It is true, that's awesome, says something if you ask me. The genetics rock!