Indoor Mephisto Genetics Auto Mystery Mix Seed x 4 newbie grow

May 22, 2018
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Currently Smoking
Hi everyone, new grower here. I have a few other plants started, but I'm going to journal this particular grow because I've learned from quite a few mistakes already. I feel like this is my first one where I'm starting relatively educated (relative to my being new, that is).

I ordered an 18-pack from seedsman and have started 4 of them. I've already fallen in love with Mephisto because I like the autoflower idea and their Northern Cheese Haze I had ordered had been very strong and easy compared to everything else.

Plants 1 and 2: In a 4x2 tent with a 400 watt halide and a 400 watt HPS
Plant 3: Outside in a makeshift greenhouse (New England USA) being babied though
Plant 4: In a 4x2 tent with a 600 watt halide

All seeds were germinated with a wet paper towel between plates for 2 days. When I checked at that point all had nice taproots going. They were planted into soil.

All plants are:
- Green Lite soil in breakaway cloth pots
- ph'd water only (~6.0), no nutes yet
- 18/6 light schedule (for the indoor plants)
- mid to upper 70's with just over 50% humidity (for the indoor plants)

Should be a fun grow!
This is the first time seeing a velcro closer. Interesting. As far as the grow goes...."Fare thee well".
Thanks for the well wishes, I saw them and thought they would be good for autos. I have them in lite soil and figured in a couple of weeks they'll go into larger pots filled with a "hotter" soil when they're older. Maybe this will ease that process? We will see!
Nice work, Mephisto Mystery Mix was also my first Mephisto grown (still have 12:thumbsup:). And she sold me, now have about 17 different strains and just under 100 seeds. Better be careful, you might get hooked, lol. Plus order straight from Mephisto website and get 10% off, freebies (insane amount), and extra seeds per pack bought.
As for grow related topics, lol. They are off to a fine start. Nice guard dog, lol.

Day 13 and 3 of the 4 are looking perfect.

[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] have been growing under a 400w HID and a 400w HPS for 20 hour days, looking healthy and normal.
[HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG], growing under a 600w HID for 18/6, looks about the same.
[HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] though, deserved better. Her fate outside in the NE spring is a direct result of terrible parenting. I left her outside in the 40's quite a few nights and she's stunted. I've since moved her into the tent with [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] for some babying.

[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], 2 and 4 all transplanted to 3 gallon pots with FFOF, and started nutes (GH) at 50% recommended amount. [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] I'm letting chill for a bit.

Thanks for the well wishes, I saw them and thought they would be good for autos. I have them in lite soil and figured in a couple of weeks they'll go into larger pots filled with a "hotter" soil when they're older. Maybe this will ease that process? We will see!
Note: it did not ease the process, those pots are a waste.