Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Farm Update

Respect to your team's hard efforts and high standards Stan...

Not a lot of folks in the industry put that much into their "businesses," so know that it shows throughout in my exposure to your approach.

Keep on pushing forward and thank you for providing pure fire to those of us who enjoy producing our own flower!
I've been ordering seeds from Mephisto by mailing an untracked envelope with cash from my home mailbox.
I don't think people realize how safe and easy this is.
Simply put a letter with cash into your home mailbox, and seeds arrive 10 days later.

I'm trying to help popularize this payment method, and hope others will too, to get Mephisto past this rough patch.
PayPal got me last year as well... for a block of maple, for a pistol grip. I think they went thru records and purged... got my son too... bought a holster, he's a concealed carry holder.

Love the gear Mitch, and the dedication.
Standing by.
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Wow what a crazy series of events to unfold. I've dealt with high risk credit card processing before and it's a complete nightmare. Couldnt imagine what you guys have had to go through and what loops you've had to jump through just to have it blow back in your face. Thanks for giving us a real in depth look at the dog days of entrepreneurship, most people never see how bad it can be. Much respect!

Thanks for your dedication and work. Sharing your story like this keeps it real and shows your customers that you are real people doing your very best, we all appreciate what you do. Best of luck and smooth sailing for your next chapter. I will pay cash for my next order as well.
I've been ordering seeds from Mephisto by mailing an untracked envelope with cash from my home mailbox.
I don't think people realize how safe and easy this is.
Simply put a letter with cash into your home mailbox, and seeds arrive 10 days later.

I'm trying to help popularize this payment method, and hope others will too, to get Mephisto past this rough patch.
I have done this twice now with Meph, and very happy with it as well.

I got a 99 cent birthday card and put cash in it with my order number. Was simple, and both times got my order in less than a week with no problems.

It's a great method, I also recommend it!