Outdoor Mephisto + Aussie sunshine

Oct 31, 2017
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Hey lads,

I'm new to AFN, but have been lurking for a while. A few of the guys in the introduction section (@Prophetiko , @fettled6 , @EvilScotsman , @912GreenSkell ) mentioned I should start a grow journal, as I've been reading through quite a lot of them, to gain knowledge and gauge how my grow compares.

So here go's! Apologies for the lack of pics so far, I never planned on documenting this grow in such detail, plus I fuckin suck at taking photos... Just ask the Mrs...

Backstory- been friendly with canna for a long time, both recreational & medicinal for anxiety. As a young pup I had a few bag seed grows. Looking back they were awful haha haha be we had so much fun doing it.. fast forward 15 years and I decided I wanted to try an indoor grow. Now, my location gets hot. REALLY hot, and I just couldn't keep temps down no matter what I did. So, I decided to work with my enemy, not against her, and decided to go outside!

Getting beans to Oz isn't exactly foolproof, so after ordering from 3 different websites, the only ones to arrive were mephisto, which I'm over the moon about. The customer service was excellent, and shipping was quite speedy. Not to mention the great genetics they are breeding!!

The mephisto lads recommended a few different types that do well outdoors, so I decided on Skylar White & Sour Crack, and got a few Alien vs Triangle thrown in as freebies.

The 1xSW popped about 3 and a bit weeks ago, the 2xSC popped a few days later, and the 1xAvT popped about a week and a half ago. Just soaked in tap water, then into paper towels until their tails were about 5mm then into their forever pots and straight outside. No fuckin around under lights for these girls! They're gonna be tough buggers! I had 100% germination too.

Soil was a mix of 40% Yates organic mix, 40% coco & 20% perlite. Pots are just big old ones, around about 15-20 litres I'd reckon.

That's enough verbal diarrhea for now.

Skylar White approx 2 weeks
I ordered from ILGM, directly from mephisto, and an Amsterdam seed bank, I can't remember it's exact name.
I got mine from seedsman paid for the resend if they didn't turn up. first order didn't show up after 35day they resent got them in 10 day and then my first order showed up after 50 days