Mephisto Genetics Mephisto 2nd Leg Starts May 1st (Signup and Battle)

@bushmasterar15 ..week 3
@bushmasterar15 here is my battle plant hubbasquach x 24carat I'm looking forward to so how she goes my blue toof looks ok but one fell over not expecting much and the other well look in pic it's got 3 branches competing for main and such will still update them aswell but squach 24 is my girl
@bushmasterar15 week 4 update

These were taken a couple of days ago when I last fed. I will do an early update next week so you guys can see newer progress. Battling deficiencies right now in the CDLCs so they look a bit more tattered than this right now. No time for pics at the moment though.


Double grape & Samsquanch


The two CDLCs
& The top of the one that is not topped lol

She is showing def really badly at the moment :o
Week 4 - Update @bushmasterar15

DAY 29 - Skywalker has been troublesome from the start. Leaf edges curled early on including new growth as it emerged. I’m using Autocobs and kept them way up thinking heat stress but knowing it isn’t heat that is the problem. I noticed yesterday that the leaves were turning papery. Not sure what that’s all about now.



Ummmmm....You might recognize this plant from a Dr. Seuss book. :crying:

She is growing super fast and on the same feed schedule as Skywalker; however, she has hardly any leaves and super long node spacing. I kept dropping my light down on her but she wouldn’t stop. She is my topping experiment and I’ve topped her in 5 places then some LST to get some light to her secondaries. A couple of colas were growing atypically so I didn’t top those but she didn’t skip a beat with any topping. Aside from topping, I have not removed anything. And she has small, fat Indica leaves but is supposed to be Sativa Dominant. I actually think she’s just a fecal pheno lol. Anyway, I’m learning from it all and I’ll do my best to get the freaks to the end.

On a side note, I must be doing something right because my pride and joy is 54 Days old today. Double Grape is not in any competition.
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