Mephisto Genetics Mephisto 2018 Limited drop, All the info!

im so far behind if i did'nt get these for 3 months i still would'nt have caught up.its rare that i'd check emails weekends,but it was all done in 20mins.
im just thrilled walter got a run out.

Am getting on your Walter train matey after trying out the White Crack am seeing where your special affair with her comes from, got a couple of straight up Walter Whites when they was back about the other month, now with Grapey Walter coming and Forgotten Cookies coming nearly got a full house, fingers crossed for Fugue State as a freebie but not holding me breath since they gave them away with the Artisanal drop.
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Am getting on your Walter train matey after trying out the White Crack am seeing where your special affair with her comes from, got a couple of straight up Walter Whites when they was back about the other month, now with Grapey Walter coming and Forgotten Cookies coming nearly got a full house, fingers crossed for Fugue State as a freebie but not holding me breath since they gave them away with the Artisanal drop.

Or was that Fugue State was one of the new Artisanals and Forgotten Cookies was the freebie then ?¿ feck knows too baked to remember and sure they will be good whatever lol
Walter has been the star of many limiteds. Last run Beary White, Skylar White, Heisenberg special and I’m sure more. Now this run has a bunch of white crosses. And the artisanals with Walter. Lots of him being spread around must be very fertile lol

Must have his own inhouse special blue pill :crying:
Well order in and got some extra gold glue and the whites, gonna have to invest in to another seal tight container for the fridge today. Mini fridge is getting to full from the beans and spores. Could u imagine if mephisto did spores to omg I would be walking on the moon every day.