Medics Auto Breeding Journey.. Kinky Cheese x Chemdogging and more.....

So here we go @gbd Vanilla Pines Space Queen dom pheno. Mad stetcher Long Hairs and a Vanilla Scent thats literaly Insane. Shes bit behind cause she is surrounded by the Beast Lemon Walker and the Fimmed Kinky Cheese but still doig her job forming 4 nice fat Colas. Btw i putted her under 12/12 from the first node after fimming.
Vanilla Pines Space Queen Dom (1).JPG
Vanilla Pines Space Queen Dom (2).JPG
Vanilla Pines Space Queen Dom (3).JPG
Vanilla Pines Space Queen Dom (4).JPG
Vanilla Pines Space Queen Dom (5).JPG
Vanilla Pines Space Queen Dom (6).JPG
Vanilla Pines Space Queen Dom (7).JPG
Vanilla Pines Space Queen Dom (8).JPG
Vanilla Pines Space Queen Dom (9).JPG
Vanilla Pines Space Queen Dom (10).JPG
Well soooo many Pics and Updates from the Breeders and Photoperiod Girls that i toataly forgot the rest of the Bunch. So here we go starting with 3 Kandy Dawg Aka Scooby Snacks F1 which in my eyes look pretty Unique what are You thinking??
Kandy Dawg #1 (1).JPG
Kandy Dawg #1 (2).JPG
Kandy Dawg #2 (1).JPG
Kandy Dawg #2 (2).JPG
Kandy Dawg #3 (1).JPG
Kandy Dawg #3 (2).JPG
Followed by the Kinky Cheese Strawberry Bubblegum Selection Clone which is the Keeper Mum over here..
Kinky Cheese Strawberry Bubblegum Pheno KeeperMum (2).JPG
Kinky Cheese Strawberry Bubblegum Pheno KeeperMum (3).JPG
Kinky Cheese Strawberry Bubblegum Pheno KeeperMum (4).JPG
Kinky Cheese Strawberry Bubblegum Pheno KeeperMum (5).JPG
Followed by 2 Sodk x Ripleys Og both Day 27 Pheno no. 2 is very very Og Kush dominat throwing out the typical 3 finger Leafes....
Sodk x Ripleys Og Day 27 (1).JPG
Sodk x Ripleys Og Day 27 (2).JPG
Sodk x Ripleys Og very kushy Pheno Day 27 (1).JPG
Sodk x Ripleys Og very kushy Pheno Day 27 (2).JPG
Sodk x Ripleys Og very kushy Pheno Day 27 (3).JPG
Sodk x Ripleys Og very kushy Pheno Day 27 (5).JPG
And some Chemdogging Girls #1 is day 51 #2 is 10 days behind on Day 41
Chemdogging #1 Day 51 (1).JPG
Chemdogging #1 Day 51 (2).JPG
Chemdogging #1 Day 51 (3).JPG
Chemdogging #1 Day 51 (4).JPG
Chemdogging #1 Day 51 (5).JPG
Chemdogging#2 Day41 (1).JPG
Chemdogging#2 Day41 (2).JPG
Chemdogging#2 Day41 (3).JPG
Chemdogging#2 Day41 (4).JPG
And the last ones are my view from my Bed..who wouldnt love to wake up to a Lemon Walker.....Vanilla Pines and Kinky Cheese...
Lemon Walker,Vanilla Pines, Kinky Cheese.JPG
O.O total excitment i forgot ... The Twins Baby Kinkydawg f1
Kinky Dawg Twins Day1 (1).JPG
Kinky Dawg Twins Day1 (2).JPG
Some quick shots of the Kinky Cheese and Lemon Walker.. Kinky got her firt flush today with Canna FLushing agent counting the t-10-14 days till chop chop
Kinky Cheese Strawberry Bubblegum Pheno Day 54  (1).JPG
Kinky Cheese Strawberry Bubblegum Pheno Day 54  (2).JPG
Kinky Cheese Strawberry Bubblegum Pheno Day 54  (3).JPG
Kinky Cheese Strawberry Bubblegum Pheno Day 54  (4).JPG
Kinky Cheese Strawberry Bubblegum Pheno Day 54  (5).JPG
Kinky Cheese Strawberry Bubblegum Pheno Day 54  (6).JPG
Kinky Cheese Strawberry Bubblegum Pheno Day 54  (7).JPG
Kinky Cheese Strawberry Bubblegum Pheno Day 54  (8).JPG
And Lemmy is still in Beastmode some of the lower Buds produce Seeds so that project is safe with the f1 for Chemmy Lemmy( Lemon Walker x Chemdogging)
LemonWalker (1).JPG
LemonWalker (2).JPG
LemonWalker (3).JPG
LemonWalker (4).JPG
LemonWalker (6).JPG
LemonWalker (7).JPG
LemonWalker (8).JPG