Prepped the rest of the soil for the grow. I have 10 pots ready to go… :shooty: here’s hoping for the best!


Also,…the GF named the two other plants.

SB Cheesecake is Sugar, and Runtz is Charlotte. There you have it… :haha:
Some more additions to the arsenal here.

Girl Flower Power organic boost that I can top dress with and make compost tea with for waterings.

Mykos root enhancer and overall friend in healthy living soil.

Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses part of the tea made during flower

Day 4

”Standard procedure”

Yes folks, just another day in MedCzech’s ManCave… :coffee2: Coffee,check on the girls Aurora, Violet, Charlotte, and Sugar.

Here are the stars of the show one by one.


Aurora, Miss Northern Lights is looking very nice. She’s tall and leggy, but sturdy :dancer:


Here is the Barney’s Farm, Runtz, or Charlotte as we like to call her. Looks very solid here too. Nice and healthy.
Day 4 Cont’d

The next girls up is Violet. She’s already showing her purple lineage with a purple stem…:eyebrows:


She’s the Grand Daddy Purple x Gumberry strain I am really looking forward to seeing and experiencing. I put another seed down yesterday. I need to get my purple strain medicine cabinet loaded up. Plus, I might get two different phenotypes. If any of you know me from before, I love chasing the different phenotypes.


Strawberry Cheesecake, can’t wait to see what she will do. Sugar is her name, and I hope she is sweet as hell!
Another addition came in the mail…


I used to use Bendz, a plastic training device. I got these training devices here which will bend the plants 90 degrees. Should help to get more light into those inner bud sites. I have so many plants in the space though, a large amount of training will not be done. Also, as a result, I will not be topping the plants. I want those ten main colas to be awesome. I will just try to keep them down with some other methods so I can keep as even a canopy as possible.
Ok, yes :woohoo:

The Mephisto seeds are here and already in the paper towel…let me tell you what I got, and they gave me some really nice extras as usual.

I ordered 3 Double Grape and they gave me 5. The same thing happened with my CDLC and Livers BX1. So 15 seeds already for the price of 9.
Then I ordered one seed of the Mango Smile and Samsquanch OG and got 2 of each.
My freebies were 5 seeds of 3 Bears OG x Mango Smile and 5 seeds of Sour Stomper x Double Grape. Those freebies both sounded so good, I put them down in this grow.

In the paper towel is Double Grape, CDLC, Livers BX1, 3BOGxMango Smile, & Sour Stomper x Double Grape.

Should be an awesome harvest before Christmas this year :joy:
Ok, yes :woohoo:

The Mephisto seeds are here and already in the paper towel…let me tell you what I got, and they gave me some really nice extras as usual.

I ordered 3 Double Grape and they gave me 5. The same thing happened with my CDLC and Livers BX1. So 15 seeds already for the price of 9.
Then I ordered one seed of the Mango Smile and Samsquanch OG and got 2 of each.
My freebies were 5 seeds of 3 Bears OG x Mango Smile and 5 seeds of Sour Stomper x Double Grape. Those freebies both sounded so good, I put them down in this grow.

In the paper towel is Double Grape, CDLC, Livers BX1, 3BOGxMango Smile, & Sour Stomper x Double Grape.

Should be an awesome harvest before Christmas this year :joy:
Yeah, make me jealous, why don't ya :gassy1:
:goodluck: with your first mancave grow on US soil brother :vibes:
The seedlings are looking great!
Yeah, make me jealous, why don't ya :gassy1:
:goodluck: with your first mancave grow on US soil brother :vibes:
The seedlings are looking great!
Thanks! I appreciate anyone who takes time to join the party. You have to love growing this stuff. The quality we experience now is so damn good.
Expectations just get higher and higher each grow:)