Sweet Seeds Me and my Sweet Dark Devil alone at last!

Nice pic with the cfl on, lots of yellow mutation appearing now :)

Week 4 Day 28.jpg
Looking good bro, she's really growing quick now... I like the yellow leaves too :grin: I had a purple kush with the same kind of mutation, looks really cool once you start getting some purple in the leaves and buds also :thumbs:

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Looking good bro, she's really growing quick now... I like the yellow leaves too :grin: I had a purple kush with the same kind of mutation, looks really cool once you start getting some purple in the leaves and buds also :thumbs:

I really hope I get some purple, real eye candy with the yellow and green!

It's the start of week 5 and the last time I'll be able to get the tray out and clean the tent when I change the water. Lots of roots in the res now and she's going to need some support soon to hold her up, I'll be adding the scrog net as a support frame.

I've put the COB back in now she's big enough and the V300 is staying there too. I've still got the 125w dual cfl in for heating when I need it.
I'm running a bit of an odd schedule with the lights atm, she's on 24 hour lighting but the LED's are on for 20 hours and the cfl is on for 4. Can't keep it above 18c in the tent without the cfl on but I'm growing autos for a reason and I'd rather lower the intensity to let her rest than have her sit drooping in the dark while I waste energy on a heater. She seems happy anyway.
Week 5 Day 29 (1).jpgWeek 5 Day 29 (2).jpgWeek 5 Day 29 (3).jpg

I've got the nutes at 1.2 ec; magnecal+ at 2ml/l, vitalink grow a & b at 1ml/l.
Ph is cycling daily from 5.4 up to 6.4 every 36 hours, combination of 2/3 ph down and 1/3 cider vinegar give me a very steady rate of the Ph rising naturally. It's so relaxing doing the ph atm but it'll soon be time for the Ph madness involved once the PK9/18 gets involved :)

Other than that the tent temps are steady at 25.5c with the big lights on and 21c with the cfl on. Res temps are still a bit high without ice bottles every 4 hours or so, ranging from 19c to 22c atm, roll on winter!
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She's growing like a rocket now, I've got the scrog net in now to support her and spread the branches out a bit.
Week 5 Day 32.jpg
Coming on a treat man. The scrog looks like it's working well :)
Nice one Bilbo! Looking good!
Still stretching, plenty of pistils now.

Week 6 Day 36 (6).jpgWeek 6 Day 36 (8).jpg
Wow! That's a brute!