Hi All
Great to be on the forum,have learnt a lot,hoping to learn a lot more
Having done a few photo grows i have turned my attentions to Auto's.
As said in the title i have 2X AKR and 2X 60 day wonders,planted 14/4.
I have moved them into 5l buckets in my cab.they are done in an organic soil mix
they are currently growing in my veg section 60cmX45cmX100cm under 240w of mixed spectrum CFL.watering is handled by a drip system with a 45l res and airstone,15min every 3 hours every third day.
I germinated them in sannies spongepots with bacto in his seed propagator,3 days from seed,no presoaking.
Sadly,i noticed leaf miner damage to a few and dosed with pyrol,unknowingly leaving them in the light cycle!
so i fried em a little,leaves burnt,tips burnt,just generally unhappy plants.
they are recovering for the most part,one afghan is fighting tomake it but will be a miniature i am sure.
1 60 day and 1 AKR have started showing pistils,so i have LST'd them down to encourage lower growth tips to shoot up
Great to be on the forum,have learnt a lot,hoping to learn a lot more
Having done a few photo grows i have turned my attentions to Auto's.
As said in the title i have 2X AKR and 2X 60 day wonders,planted 14/4.
I have moved them into 5l buckets in my cab.they are done in an organic soil mix
they are currently growing in my veg section 60cmX45cmX100cm under 240w of mixed spectrum CFL.watering is handled by a drip system with a 45l res and airstone,15min every 3 hours every third day.
I germinated them in sannies spongepots with bacto in his seed propagator,3 days from seed,no presoaking.
Sadly,i noticed leaf miner damage to a few and dosed with pyrol,unknowingly leaving them in the light cycle!
so i fried em a little,leaves burnt,tips burnt,just generally unhappy plants.
they are recovering for the most part,one afghan is fighting tomake it but will be a miniature i am sure.
1 60 day and 1 AKR have started showing pistils,so i have LST'd them down to encourage lower growth tips to shoot up