Dragon Meds McB's Russian Dragon grow

hps has got to go,100 units used in 4 or 5 days...oh hell no
would a digital ballast help much?
LST and supercropping stage 2

Bent her over and strapped her down,recovered in an hour!
The Force is strong in this one :wiz:
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my fiance thinks im brutal supercropping her,i dont suppose she has seen how quickly a branch goes :hot: when a plant that size decides to grow into the 400w hps.
i will admit,im kinder to auto's but have pushed photo's to wierd limits with regards to training.
had a spiral swazi bagseed plant before the gardener returned after hours and removed my plants for me,kindly smoked them too i suppose
she's a real trooper this one.
carrying on like nothing happened
IMG-20130105-00030.jpgIMG-20130105-00028.jpgHard to believe this is the same plant...in a month and a bit!
had a bit of a setback when i found my outdoor bubbler contaminated.
scrubbed and refilled,will have to do a res change when i get back from my travels on wednesday.
still looking okay,snuck a pic in her dark cycle:no:
cuttings have rooted and then some and are now starting to flower.
dusted her with all the RD male pollen could get,hope some has taken:eatmydragon:
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LST keeping her in check,looking a little droopy in her dark cycle,i hate waking up too
seems as if the fiance forgot about my indoor lady for the 3 days i was away.
Came home to an all but empty res and everything from nute burn to deficiency and ending in underwatering...safe to say it was a fun evening in the McB household.
Noticed some red wormy loooking buggers in my roots,so i will do a res change and cleanup with h202 tonight.

did me some trimmin :smokeit:
lower buds weren't getting light,so i took em out.
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