Mature plant looking extremely sick! Please read

Thanks man do u think I am giving enough water I'm only givin half a gallon every two days

More than a half gallon every other day is a lot of water. You have to watch out when you water that much the bottom of that pot could be saturated and it might appear to need water but it does not. That's a gallon of water every 4 days,it is just way to much water. Mine are 5 gal buckets and in the beginning of flower when they begin to really work hard and they use a liter a day until about week 6 or 7 when they really go into heavy flower then they can take up to 2 liters a day. No matter how much water you give them will never fix a problem you just have to make sure the new growth is not still coming up with the same problem,sounds like you will be ok. I give mine cal mag and silica as soon as they establish a root system. If you over water bad things happen like cal mag problems caused by lock out. Do your plants droop or give out towards the end of their light cycle? They will droop for two reason under watering and over watering. Also remember that if you can use cal mag as a spray,once you have cl mag or any disease the plant has it although it may not show at first then like any other disease it erupts and you can only ride it out. You should be ok as long as it is under control and is not spreading to the top end of the plant. They will make it just make sure that the plants in no way get under or over watered,you have to make sure that you are spot on with the watering and feedings. You should be able to make it all the way to the end you just have to be on top of it. It sure looks like cal mag problems . How is your ph reading going in and coming out? I hope i helped a little bit. most plant problems are brought on by us as growers. Good luck you will be fine just look at this as information whether or not it is not the problem. Ph,over and under watering,plant environment and over dosing with nutes are the main things that we new growers have a bit of a learning curve or we wouldn't be here.
youve been great help man I really appreciate it. I hope they will ride it out well just have to wait and see.
More than a half gallon every other day is a lot of water. You have to watch out when you water that much the bottom of that pot could be saturated and it might appear to need water but it does not. That's a gallon of water every 4 days,it is just way to much water. Mine are 5 gal buckets and in the beginning of flower when they begin to really work hard and they use a liter a day until about week 6 or 7 when they really go into heavy flower then they can take up to 2 liters a day. No matter how much water you give them will never fix a problem you just have to make sure the new growth is not still coming up with the same problem,sounds like you will be ok. I give mine cal mag and silica as soon as they establish a root system. If you over water bad things happen like cal mag problems caused by lock out. Do your plants droop or give out towards the end of their light cycle? They will droop for two reason under watering and over watering. Also remember that if you can use cal mag as a spray,once you have cl mag or any disease the plant has it although it may not show at first then like any other disease it erupts and you can only ride it out. You should be ok as long as it is under control and is not spreading to the top end of the plant. They will make it just make sure that the plants in no way get under or over watered,you have to make sure that you are spot on with the watering and feedings. You should be able to make it all the way to the end you just have to be on top of it. It sure looks like cal mag problems . How is your ph reading going in and coming out? I hope i helped a little bit. most plant problems are brought on by us as growers. Good luck you will be fine just look at this as information whether or not it is not the problem. Ph,over and under watering,plant environment and over dosing with nutes are the main things that we new growers have a bit of a learning curve or we wouldn't be here.
So I so I snipped off the dead ones. The new growth looks really good but the bottom is just not looking good at all I am not sure what to do at this point except wait and see if it's getting any better. I only watered with half a Gallo of water in each of my 5 gallon pots I'm not sure if that will help but I'm gonna show you a few more pics.
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I would use epsom salt and calmag.
My plants get plenty of calcium, magnesium and sulphur. They like it.
To not overload the plants with base nutes, seasonal booster and minerals, I often give Sensi Grow/Bloom + evt. booster stuff in one watering and minerals in the next. I don't know if it makes a differense, as I am firsttimer, but my virgins seems to like it.
I would use epsom salt and calmag.
My plants get plenty of calcium, magnesium and sulphur. They like it.
To not overload the plants with base nutes, seasonal booster and minerals, I often give Sensi Grow/Bloom + evt. booster stuff in one watering and minerals in the next. I don't know if it makes a differense, as I am firsttimer, but my virgins seems to like it.
Perhaps I should try some Cali mag tonight I have a whole gallon handy
Perhaps I should try some Cali mag tonight I have a whole gallon handy
Give them a full dose. I have noticed that my plants consume large amounts of Ca og Mg. I am not surprised, as one would think a fast growing plant would have a large demand for Magnesium in particullar. Mg2+ is involved at all levels of the energy metabolism, not only as essential for the catalytic acticity of chlorophyl, but every ATP molecule exists in a complex with Mg. And the plant needs a lot of ATP, the cellular energy carrier, with the speed these autos grow.
Remove all those dead bottom leaves they probably won't come back.She needs more cal/mag thats what those gold brown spots are.Never measure your intake water because the plants change there needs as they get bigger and the roots take up more space.Water enough until you get runoff so your getting the entire pot moist.It's hard to over water when they get larger so don't worry.If the water runoff is still in the trays after a couple hours remove the trays and dump the excess water.Also make sure you ph the water.