New Grower MasterRoachi's mini Mephisto SCROG ft. Autocobs and Megacrop

Day 28 for the girls.

They've been getting pretty light feedings so far, but tonight I bumped up the MC a bit and added half a gram of BE, since they're really starting to blow up and I'm seeing lots of hairs. Feeding every night. Every 3 days is a very light dose to keep build up down. The past two nights I defoliated a good bit underneath and removed a lot of lower bud sites. I've never done a scrog before, so advice is welcome, but I tried to remove everything below the stakes. I'm really surprised how big the canopy is getting with these little pots, this was intended to only be a fun little side project!

3g MC
1.5g CalMag
1g SC
.5g BE
Sprinkle of the kelp
Big sprinkle of Recharge
2ml SLF-100
All per gallon.
Came to like 900ppm, pHed to 5.8ish
Fed 2 gallons thru the 6 one gallon pots, ones not in the scrog. This gives good bit of runoff.

nice scrog work :thumbsup: seeds/plants will always surprize us in many ways good n bad.
some runts make for mighty fine smoke :smoking: and as its mephisto could knock yer block off :eyebrows:

Thanks and Totally, I haven't been let down by them yet! I have a mutant HBSS right now thats almost to harvest, it is really small but it is also the stinkiest damn girl I have grown yet!

Welcome lurker no more. May the yields surpass your estimates. The perlite looks quite chunky, which brand do you use?
Thanks! I am not sure TBH, just whatever brand my local Agway/Truvalue had in stock.
:welcome: Hi @Master_Roach and welcome to AFN! :welcome:
Thanks friend!! :cheers:
Welcome, brother! I slid into your DMs a few weeks ago, so super glad to see you out here. Ton of great growers around and an overall chill forum to be at.

I definitely don't have more growing experience than you, but I try to find as much reputable information as I can find so feel free to tag me in any questions you might have.

Right on! You will have to remind me I get a lot of people messaging me there nowadays it's hard to keep track! and I don't know man, I have only been growing since the New Year when I planted my first seeds. Been learning for years though in waiting and practicing with veggies, waiting until I had my own house to grow in. I've just got a lot of love for the plant, and time on my hands now. I am self employed and recently divorced so I have a lot of time too :shrug:
Day 30

They overgrew the scrog so I thinned them out again. Hopefully I didn't take too much, but my last plants had a lot of airy stuff underneath. I tried to remove anything that was either getting no light below the canopy or blocking light for buds below. I also bent some things to make it more even, there were a few tops that were really stretching.

Been feeding every day, with a lot of runoff.
3g/gal MegaCrop
1.8g calmag
1g SweetCandy
Sprinkle algae extract
Sprinkle recharge
1ml SLF-100
5.8 pH

Day 37 and the girls are happy and getting huge! They're taking up more space than I was anticipating so heads up @BigSm0 I'll be messaging you for another light very soon! :smoking:

They are currently getting in g/gal:
3g MC
1g SC
1g BE
1.8g CalMag
Recharge every other watering. Watering once a day, but Just now got around to putting in my drip lines so soon to be every 12 hours (they're in 1gals). Should I lower my strength of nutes if I do this?

As usual, I’m late to the show, but I’m subbed up now. Looking forward to see what you can do with Mega Crop and Mephisto Genetics. Should be awesome.
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