NEWS Massachusetts Hardship Cultivation Registration - Anybody done this yet?

10 oz at any given time... but you are also allowed to grow up to ten plants for your own consumption, 20 if you are also a caregiver... That's what me and wwwillie are... Patients AND caregivers!!! Wheeee...
In Michigan you can have 12 plants but only 2.5 ounces of "usable" marijuana per patient, up to 5 patients. So if you are just for yourself good luck trying to micro manage that if one wanted to be completely following their laws. Your states 10 ounce limit seems to be more reasonable and manageable. These laws drive me crazy.
They may drive us all crazy before too long!
Just think of it this way, 2.5 oz. is a whole lot better than 0!! Some states are starting to look at extracts only. Hopefully 2016 will see a lot of states passing recreational use!!
I guess I should do an update... Hardship Cultivation Registration which was supposed to be r equired as of 1/1/2015 is not happening... At this point I have been told by Mass Department of Public Health to just cultivate for me and my patient. Which I am doing for me and my patient.

July was a big month for the cause and a protest was held at the Massachusetts state house where patients and caregivers protested the states poor implementation and urged support of the new bill to revise the law. Good news for us caregivers.
Here is a synopisis of the Bill -

"The bill, H. 2065, is sponsored by State Rep. Frank Smizik, D-Brookline. As The Republican/ reported, it would bar discrimination against medical marijuana patients and caregivers in areas of housing, employment, school admissions and child custody hearings. It would let caregivers cultivate marijuana for up to 10 patients, rather than one. It would make it easier for patients to cultivate marijuana, allow out-of-state medical marijuana patients to access the drug in Massachusetts, and protect parents using medical marijuana from sanctions by the Department of Children and Families."
Wow Rhyce, that is awesome, awesome, awesome news. That fill just about all the holes in the current law. We should be protected, we should be able to grow more for more folks, etc, etc, etc.!
So you have both cards then? I have both, kind of cool in a way you know. But it would be greater and way cooler if they passed that amendment!! Thanks for reporting!
Wow Rhyce, that is awesome, awesome, awesome news. That fill just about all the holes in the current law. We should be protected, we should be able to grow more for more folks, etc, etc, etc.!
So you have both cards then? I have both, kind of cool in a way you know. But it would be greater and way cooler if they passed that amendment!! Thanks for reporting!

My pleasure wwwillie... my patient mentioned it to me... I'd kind of lost track since they told me just to grow... Sure enough it was in my e-mail from the Massachusetts Patient Advocacy Alliance...
i live in ri.. us to live in mass. i heard tho mass is gonna be passed for rec. use?? is that true??
i live in ri.. us to live in mass. i heard tho mass is gonna be passed for rec. use?? is that true??
G' Morning!
I have heard rumor that it will be on the ballot for 2016. I expect that if it's on the ballot it will pass. Presidential elections always draw a big crowd and the percentage of folks that want it to be legalized is greater that those that don't so hopefully it will pass.
There are actually two ballot questions proposed by two opposing groups... one is well funded and wants to regulate and tax marijuana like alcohol and restrict personal growing, the other says to treat it like any other thing for sale and just prohibit sale to minors.

Here is an excerpt from an article published 9-15 of this year:

Attorney General Maura Healey's approval of competing ballot questions to legalize recreational marijuana in Massachusetts has set the stage for two dueling activist groups to begin gathering voter signatures.

The two groups take different approaches to legalization and seem disinclined to work together.

"It's just a friendly competition," said Steven Epstein, a spokesman for Bay State Repeal.

"We have cordial relations, for the most part, with the Bay State Repeal guys," said Matt Simon, a spokesman for the Marijuana Policy Project, a Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group that helped create and fund the local ballot committee, The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol.

As previously reported, the groups submitted dueling questions on legalization.

The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol wants to substantially regulate and tax marijuana, with state and local taxes of up to 12 percent. Bay State Repeal wants to legalize it without new restrictions or taxes beyond the 6.25 percent state sales tax.

Activists with the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol argue that their approach, which would set up a new commission to oversee retail marijuana stores and would restrict the amount of marijuana a person could possess or grow, would result in the responsible use of marijuana.

Activists with Bay State Repeal believe marijuana sales should be treated the same as sales of any other product, and the only restrictions should be prohibiting sales to minors.

The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol is better funded and has more powerful backing, including from those within the marijuana industry, than Bay State Repeal. The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol raised $30,000 by the end of 2014, compared to just $3,000 by Bay State Repeal.

Now that both sides have gotten their petitions certified by Healey, supporters of each measure must collect 64,750 signatures from voters by November 2015. Potentially, both questions could go on the November 2016 ballot.

Full article:

Thanks Rhyce. I think I know which one I want to vote for!!

You're welcome! Once it gets to the legislature the House has an option to craft a ballot question of their own... so we'll see what happens after the questions are submitted...