Indoor #MarsHydro420Giveaway Prize Journal - 2 x 2 and TS600 - Mephisto's Mango Sky

Gonna follow along as a fellow small tent grower. Things are looking awesome so far! Night Owl apparently has some awesome genetics, so curious to see how this lady will turn out :eyebrows:
Day 29-

Camera was with me, so I took a few pics :shrug::smoking: @Marshydro

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I’ve actually haven’t measured it. It’s at its max height in the tent due to it giving off some heat. I’ve never really moved it at all. I do leaf tucking everyday also, which I’m sure helps a lot.
Mars hydro ts 600 height from plant?
Appreciate the rep bro:bighug: she really has been my easiest grow so far. It may have something to do with good DLI throughout the entire grow. The TS600 has been set to the top of the tent, haven’t had to move it. Thought it was initially too hot, but looks like she been doing just fine.