MarsHydro Light Shows 2023 MARSHYDRO TSW2000 grow with Sawneys beans.

MarsHydro Light Shows 2023
I ain't bothered to do any lst tie downs this run as this has been a very lazy grow, lol
But I did buy a 60x60 & 70x70 scrog net to spread the canopy out more.
Last night raised the light up as high as she could go with 2 metal straps screwed to the walls so the light just sits on top like rails.
Removed drivers And positioned them on the walls up high.
Removed Dimmer so it now sits in reaching distance at the door. Before I had to use my fone like a periscope lol to see wat I'm % i was at. Lol

Scrog net will be fun to put in tomorrow

@100% power now
20 inch high above canopy
Raised light. Moved Drivers & Dimmer control
Here's how its sitting now.
As high as she can go now & sitting on a metal rail.
Drivers moved.
Dimmer in reaching distance.
Not much room in a 70 x 115 grow box lol
Was like a game off twister trying to adjust everything for the last time hopefully.
Running @100% power now.