Morning everyone, I have to say, I am a little thrilled today. :smoking::smoking::smoking:
I came to office today and receive the message from AFN admin, and now Mars Hydro pass the trial sponsership. Now I can visit you guys grow journals, and maybe sometimes I can also help you in some way I could. :pighug:

I wanna thank you all for the support, we will not pass the trial without your help and support, and we will keep doing the good job for you guys. :d5:
If you have any question or needs or kind advices, please feel free to post here or PM me, you are all welcomed, :dancer:
Hello guys, :toke:

Nowadays, we received several complains that we did not reply the emails in time from our website. However, we cannot find the emails you sent from our system. Usually we will reply all the emails within 24 hours, so if you do not get a reply from our side, please try to send the message again, and we will get back to you very soon. :cheers:

If you did not get a reply again, please PM me, I am always here for you. :pighug:

By the way, if you have any problem with the light, you can contact: directly to get the problem solved. :d5:

Happy growing,

Hello Tina, I made a Purchase on the 4th of sept and it is now the 7th of sept, PayPal took the money off of my card the SECOND I made the purchase yet on the Mars site it still says processing, and I cannot log onto the site half of the time. Please give me some help with this, I put some faith in you all in the first place because I hate dealing with pay-pal.. they are shady. Please get in touch with me. Thank you.
Updated on the new website:

We should have the new website on several days ago. However, the desginer was sick these days, and in hospital, so we have to let another designer to finish it. We are trying to finish it very soon. :(

Really sorry about the delay. :toke:
