Lighting Mars Hydro SP 3000 Defective?

Jan 30, 2021
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Hi all.
Last Friday I received a new Mars Hydro SP 3000 and I replaced one of my MH tsl 2000's in my 4x4. Nice looking light and it definitely appears to be giving off more light than the TSL 2000 but it is only drawing 271 Watts from the wall. Voltage at the outlet is 120v (measured). I see in Dr. Coco's review at CCFC his test light was drawing 297 Watts. Feeling a bit left out as 271W is 10% less output than I was hoping for. That is with the dimmer turned up to 100% or with the dimmer switch off. Dimmer at 75% also draws 271watts. Dimmer at 50% is 143 w, dimmer at 25% is 95w and dimmer at min is 40w.

Both of my one year old TSL2000's are rated at 300w as well but they both actually draw 10% more at 330W each from the outlet with dimmer at 100%.

Anyone have experience with the SP3000 ? Is there a way to get into the driver and turn this up to 300 watt.
Is that variance in output considered normal or do I have a defective unit.

EDIT- I Reached out to MarsHydro and they replied in less than 24 hrs. There is one hole with a rubber plug in it on the bottom side of the Meanwell driver that allows for voltage adjustment. I turned it up so the draw is now 300W.
Thanks very much for the update, it is great to hear that MH came through for you. Enjoy your new light. :pighug:
EDIT- I Reached out to MarsHydro and they replied in less than 24 hrs. There is one hole with a rubber plug in it on the bottom side of the Meanwell driver that allows for voltage adjustment. I turned it up so the draw is now 300W.
There's really nothing in this anywhere. I bought a second sp3k I knew it didn't have uv/ir but was hoping the driver changed. If u look at output on diver it's only rated at 256watts at 120 input. Have you had any issues after increasing to 300??