Mars Hydro Father's Day Sale and Giveaway

FC3000 would fit in me 3 x 3 perfectly!

Would so much like to upgrade from the Kingbrite QB to Mars FC3000.. much more even coverage, dimmable, and can install the driver outside of the tent for heat management. :thumbsup:


Thanks @Marshydro for the opportunity to win this light!

@420Forever @DCLXVI
Most tents will have an observation window. Previous tents I owned implemented clear plastic to create the window. Mars tents observation windows are different and feauture the same screening as their lower passive vents. This proves to be an advantage as the window can double as an upper passive vent. During seedling stage I shut off active venting and keep a single lower vent open and this observation vent partially cracked.

@Kyote @Stonerbudz
The fc-3000 is great because it has the abilityto take the driver off the light fixture and place it outdoors and also the light fits perfect for a 3x3 or a 2x4 twt as it hasamaxpower of301.6w