Mars Hydro August Giveaway -- Mars Pro II Epistar 160

If I win the Mars pro II epistar 160 I promise that I will only let my plants look directly at it.


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I be happy getting what your getting now!!:drool::thumbsup:
That's very kind of you pal!

Was my first ever proper grow in a tent with fans, filters etc as before I was just growing in an old kitchen cupboard I'd rigged up some CFLs in! Come on leaps and bounds since and love our "little hobby" was constantly researching which is how I originally found the mighty AFN and all you lovely people within it!:bow: Made some awesome friends on here and it's my little escape. :bighug:
If I win the Mars Pro II Epistar 160, I will not be the only bugger using hps anymore :crying: and of course do a journal as it would be interesting for myself and others to see the differences between hps and led.

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