I'm seriously considering a move from HPS in my dr60 to a mars 600 also would love to see a journal from u with this light
Just ordered a mars hydro reflector 48 to complement the 600 new old style, hopefully it will increase temps a tad, temps are currently running at daytime 72f and night time 68f.Im finding the pots are taking a bit longer to dry before I need to water again.
I didn't like the results I was getting from the mars 600 I opted to switch for a panel with red and blue. They really perked up and took off after that. Its like the led just was enough to get them into flower at one point they hit a wall. It defiantly doesn't replace a 600w hps. If you have extra money and a few hundred bucks won't kill you sure. I wouldn't recommend leds. I just don't think the technology is there yet.