Photoperiod Mars Hydro 420 Raffle Black African Magic - Ituri Norie


I'll post weights etc when it's all dry, and dry bud shots.

Smoke Report, Cost Analysis.
This is one of those almost self trimming strains. Mostly the buds themselves only needed a few tripple leaves pulled from them. Most other leaves were separate, and easily removed.

The buds themselves are extremely well coated, and sticky.

Initial smells are fruit, possibly mango, or papaya on breaking pen. On initial heat there is a subtle cedar and lemon, very little sweetness, and a slightly minty finish.

The initial hit is right to the ears and back of the neck, ringing in the ears, and a staggeringly strong head rush. Not for beginners, and reminiscent of the first time I dabbed.

I want to thank @Marshydro for supplying this light, and all they do to support and enable our community.

The TS1000 performed flawlessly in my 3x3.

I was able to pull 128g cured from 2 plants. Well, 3, but the one in the Eazyplug pyramid stunted badly and had zero yield. This would have been over 200g with a 3rd plant finishing. This is either my fault, or the fault of the media. This would have exceeded 1g/watt easily.

Cost analysis.

Electricity $56
seeds(3) $30
Soil and nutes $40

Even with the failure of the pyramid, I squeeked out under $1/g.

I'm going to plant another round of these seeds, and swap in my TS3000, and see what 3x the light can do, Running autos on 18-20 hour schedule, the 1000 has plenty of DLI, but on the 10 hour photo sativa bloom cycle I ran, it asks for more horsepower.
Since I've already paid for the seeds and dirt, I might as well try to revegetation these photos.

It's more an issue of pride than cheapness. I'm not accepting failure on the Pyramid, and I might as well reveg the other 2 at the same time.

The timer has been reset for 18/6 and I am feeding Megacrop 1 part ¼ tsp and kelp ¼ tsp per gallon of dehumidifier water.

It seems to be doing something. I've seen no leaf growth, but the pyramid is throwing out some new root fibers. This is very odd, because it's the same media and nutes that allowed it to stunt, just more light hours.

I'm looking for a container to put under it filled with real dirt. I might put a garbage bag in a milk crate and use that.

New shoots are starting to appear, small barely serrated leaves.

The existing puny buds that stalled are now pushing out new pistils.

Here we grow!

Revegetation is underway.

I put a Root Warrior in a 10 gallon Oxypot, and dropped the pyramid on that as a spacer.


I filled the rest with Roots Lush.


Revegetation growth


3" SCROG screen arrived today, should be perfect for this bushy growth.
Smollest Weedling Ever
I sprouted more weedlings, and it looks like one tore off it's cotys as it emerged from the soil. 1" root cube.

Not one to give up, and $10 is still $10, so I let it continue.

Now it appears to be slowly growing it's first smol leaves.

I have swapped in my TS-3000.

SCROG in place, and reveg growth spread as best as I can for a first timer.


The smol Weedling has grown real smol leaves. Don't give up on your plants!.

First SCROG ever. This net is elastic, next time I think I want something more taught.

Reveg is taking off.

I moved the pyramid one to another tent. There just isn't enough room to SCROG 3 here. Haha, might not be enough for 2.

I'm going to let it bush up a little before I flip it, the new shoots are a little thin for the expected weight.

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