Mars Hydro 420 Giveaway 2021

Happy Tuesday Mars Hydronians :bighug:

Today is last day of week 10 since seeds so I decided to sacrifice one of my Bloody Skunk girls to optimise conditions for the other plants.
Good day, growers, My entry is invalid, I just post a growing under TSL 2000 lights. :smoking:
Remember the TSL 2000 lights are on sale now(1st-7th), only about 42hours left.
Coupon code: AFN

TSL 2000 led grow light.jpg
She had her final feeding yesterday morning, and now will go dark until this evening when my brother in law gets here to give me a helping hand. On to my first ever drying/curing #marshydro420sale

For a bit of chat included in the draw.. Have you already given a thought to how you would use it if you won the first of the prizes coming up... The 60/60/140cm tent and TS600 light.... What will your Show Grow be :biggrin:
Once that prize is gone we can move on to dream about the next one LOL
For a bit of chat included in the draw.. Have you already given a thought to how you would use it if you won the first of the prizes coming up... The 60/60/140cm tent and TS600 light.... What will your Show Grow be :biggrin:
Once that prize is gone we can move on to dream about the next one LOL
I'd be using them in back shed for reversing some clones