No Tina

space is not fixed, i can adjust the ropes. I do the indoor inside when they get bigger if i want to suppliment the lights with sun. I use the grasshounds. I face them towards each other, and use pvc piping to hang the lights. I hope i can find a better photo to show what i mean. First 3 weeks they have lights once they get a bit bigger i think suppliment sun and slowly get them ready for full sun. LOL the bbqs smaller was our BBQ, before it was cut up and the other was a free bbq on gumtree, If i had to i could maybe extent the height of the grasshound - current set up, can take plants up to 1meter maximum ( that also includes pot height). I was joking with my brothers we make them remote control so they could move to the sun... lol that would draw much unwanted attension to the carts
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