Brand of LED:mars hydro 300w
Price of the led :$61.99
Delivery cost:free
What size was the grow space :2x4x5
Spectrum used:full spectrumred blue white 430-440nm 450-475nm 620-630nm,650-670nm
Customer service rating..1-5:5
Wattage of the LED ( actual power draw if poss):135-140w 110:140 +-5%
Optics used :90/120 degree mixed
Build quality:5
Warranty length :1 year
Any noticeable plant deficiencies :some cal mag
Value for Money Rating..1-5:5
Addition info :was bought as additonal lighting for my mars hydro 96x3 led
Link to your AFN grow:na
Link to where it was bought :ebay
Pic of the LED panel ( optional ) :
Price of the led :$61.99
Delivery cost:free
What size was the grow space :2x4x5
Spectrum used:full spectrumred blue white 430-440nm 450-475nm 620-630nm,650-670nm
Customer service rating..1-5:5
Wattage of the LED ( actual power draw if poss):135-140w 110:140 +-5%
Optics used :90/120 degree mixed
Build quality:5
Warranty length :1 year
Any noticeable plant deficiencies :some cal mag
Value for Money Rating..1-5:5
Addition info :was bought as additonal lighting for my mars hydro 96x3 led
Link to your AFN grow:na
Link to where it was bought :ebay
Pic of the LED panel ( optional ) :