Outdoor Magnum autos outdoor grow

Really nice looking plant there mate! That one that's going purple is probably just more sensitive to the drop in temp at night than the others are. That's color is beautiful tho man, that's exactly the color I hope my purple mazar will end up.
The storms took the lives of two of my girls too, thats the way she blows im afraid ! Outdoor you should expect to loose 25 % and if you manage not too well thats a bonus in my book. Yours plants look good and you should be smoking them by glasto time !
Are you pumping in the bloom nutes yet ?
If your looking for a reliable outdoor uk strain with purple colourations then get some fresian dew, always done by october always tastes great and theres 3 phenotypes so you dont get bored of the same strain.
Nice pics keep em coming UK G
there still on grow nutes atmo, gonna give the bigger girls some boost on the next feed :)
in about 10 dys time unless its really hot without rain.
the water retention crystals are working a charm.
ive got 1 plant that Fresian Dew, :) grown it for the lower THC content , but all the rest are Magnums for yeild. hoping to get 1-2OZ per plant and 3+ per plant on the younger ones and i can see them getting HUGE
I am taking a chair and sitting down to watch the Magnums explode with buds. In your earlier posts the pots were small for autos but I was surprised how big they got. I hear the Magnum is a wicked smoke. Are they fems or regulars?
im more superised that you are! they were 5 inches tall and 4 of them were flowering... completely root bount but it seems only 2x are seriosly stunted but they will still yield 20gs easy
All fems, i dont bother with reg any more. i did on my first grow and i was depressing having over half of my 6ft monsters turn out male after i cared and tended them not to mention the amount of water i lugged up for them.
Pics update tomorrow:D
Heres some updated pictures, notice how some of them have yellow tipped leaves/curling leaves and lots of holes.. :(
on the + side the snapped baby has recovered but i lost another good one to slugs/snails


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ive not done an update in a while so here goes. all of my plants are out now and drinking alot of water, even with the water crystals the big ones are taking 2 feeds a week which isnt ideal.. really regretting double potting the first ones.. ive now added 2x Florida lemon and 1 deep cheese photo period strains which i may have to take back inside to finish off if there still not finished by October or when ever it gets too wet and cold.
the second batch of magnums are doing very well and i expect a large yield off these babys.
the issue with Tics around my grow site is very bad and now im removing 10-15+ off my clothes/body on each trip. at least ive only had one that managed to get under my clothes and dig in.
the pictures here are from 7 days ago
the second lot of pictures are only 2 days ago


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GL with the grow, wishing you some sunshine and heat to get those babies huge!!!