Photography Magic DragonX Red Dragon X Magic Dragon Durrty Dragon

not bad for the cheap seats in the room:)
this was sorta hurried through it is going to get hit back w/ some of the darker red leaf structure from some Red Dragon X Durrty Dragon i favored and also going to keep it going even more Black w/ the taste i found in it i liked
the main cola was less green and alot deeper in color but i really only take theese pics for my records of gene paterning and don't really for the porn so actually i didn't even take a pic of it that i could find :)
ok so welcome smurf, and all that jazz ... sorry i missed this one from the very start... but from your title it looks like your going one crazy dragon cross :) who created this dark beauty?

she really is lovely. i'm subbed on this one for sure. are you one of the members who got the boot like me or a actually new to the forum member?
Thnk you


Aunty mossy
Alittle mother nature from the mid- west
thousands of other people over the years also helped:)
I left honestly before whatever???
But Muddy found me again and extended another invitation
So yes my profile had been deleted but i left before it was deleted due to some things i was tired of on the site
So maybe i have something to offer if muddy has now extended two invitations
i don't usually name drop it is in the opposite of my nature but we have been friends for along time now and i always like to see him
apparently i have something to offer rather than my long winded and often more detailed than needed responses like this one:)
But hey it is my thread so anything goes here as long as one is civil:) well at least semi-civil
And i should clarify this is a Magic Dragon father X Red Dragon mother X w/ a MD father X DD mother

and this is the resulting offspring

i should fix the title better to large X small x

it really is a result of a father i chose from the MDxRD and crossed w/ a female MDxDD

so (MD x RD) X (MD x DD) or something :)
it honestly started w/ i liked the color and the effects of the Durrty Dragon but didn't really care for the flavor of the particular phe i acquired so i looked to swing it towards a more liquorisch hint flavor in the md i liked and used to try and take some of the rubberish taste i had in the darker phe of mine
it came out the way i hoped and the next was a much sweeter more complex flowery notes and spicy undertones of liquorish
i really enjoy it w/ a bite of chocolate and some black coffee...YUMMMMMMMM
The taste i can say for sure smacks you in the face as well as the stone grab some munchies shortly though:)
found a plant that showed alittle less munchies also in the mix
one plant in particular i found mossy should look into as a appetite inducer i have never experienced a will to eat like one specific plant out of the Durrty's i got
i had it in seperate jars by plants and just grab whatever here and there they all will give you that ALF munchies so always expected it night in particular someone made a comment after just eating a large thanksgiving meal and we smoked one they could eat again knowing they were just totally stuffed:)
Hum i was going through the mix and moving some and upsizing some new beds and i think i might of gotten some
Durrty Dragon X Purple Jem and a few
Magic Dragon X Purple Jem mixed in w/ the group?

we will see as the grow a bit more but today they looked sorta like a surprise happened:)
The taste i can say for sure smacks you in the face as well as the stone grab some munchies shortly though:)
found a plant that showed alittle less munchies also in the mix
one plant in particular i found mossy should look into as a appetite inducer i have never experienced a will to eat like one specific plant out of the Durrty's i got
i had it in seperate jars by plants and just grab whatever here and there they all will give you that ALF munchies so always expected it night in particular someone made a comment after just eating a large thanksgiving meal and we smoked one they could eat again knowing they were just totally stuffed:)
You would have to call that one the marinol pheno.... When dr prescribed that to me I would eat on it be full and was just compelled to eat some more! Had times where I'd eat so much I'd throw up! After convincing the Dr a recommendation for a medical card would be better for me than the marinol he wasn't buying, when I told him I would stop the marinol save the insurance $1,300 a month, he agreed. Weight while on marinol =260lbs, off marinol and smoking = 220lbs
Synthetic anything is crap compared to what god gave us naturally.....