Hi Again! ^_^
Thought i'd pop back and see if i can set you on a path for success for the next time.
I don't think that's it, although it could be that the watering wasn't optimal. When i drop my germinated beans in a big pot (20 litre) I will give the whole soil about a litre of water a day or 2 before. The heat in my tent (with a tube radiatior by the pot) is around 80f.
When the seed pops up and you have the little round leaves - put a clear plastic cup over it. Spray the inside of the cup.
Also use that cup for measuring small amounts of water every other day and build up. So maybe 1/10 of the cup for 1st watering ... then a couple of days later a 1/8 of the cup ... build up slowly - let the root search down for water.
Keep the cup (as a humidty dome) on for a couple of days
If you can keep a stable temp that's closer to 80f, it'll be better.
I don't know that soil, but I start in a "light mix" - sometimes with ammendments that are recommended dosages from Biotabs (an organic growing method that's pretty easy)
Starting a soil that's too hot can mess up your autoflower - a good start is key to getting a good plant.
That sounds fine - I use a water that's 6.2 and bottled and never had a problem.
If you're comfortable with the prints on there, stick the photo back up - I think some people may have overestimated it's size
Keep this one going by all means for practice - but you may also want to try and germinate another and see if you can get a better start - I reckon if you do it will soon over take your little one you currently have.
Light height - Mines really powerful but i keep it high - for seedlings, i;d do the same and only lower it if it starts to look "leggy"
Hope this has helped a little
Good luck!!