New Grower MagCal deficiency?

But I sort of wonder if its light stress thats getting to them. I have a Mars Hydro 48 Reflector with bith veg-bloom on at 20". Im gonna try going from a 20/4 light cycle to 18/6. But slow adjust the timer back for no drastic changes. Next time im just gonna do 1Gal pot with coco instead

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But I sort of wonder if its light stress thats getting to them. I have a Mars Hydro 48 Reflector with bith veg-bloom on at 20". Im gonna try going from a 20/4 light cycle to 18/6. But slow adjust the timer back for no drastic changes. Next time im just gonna do 1Gal pot with coco instead

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How powerful is that light?? MarsHydro should provide the distance advised, if you look it up if its the 300w which replaces a 160w hid, u less it was real close I doubt its light issue.

I pulled this from their Information section

3.Recommended Hanging Distance Above Plants

Seedling stage: 20''~28‘’ Veg Stage: 16''~20‘’ Flowering Stage: 10''~16‘’

And with your light (As Mars recommend) I'd stick to 20/4.

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Hi Again! ^_^

Thought i'd pop back and see if i can set you on a path for success for the next time.

. Maybe started out in too big of a pot I wonder..
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I don't think that's it, although it could be that the watering wasn't optimal. When i drop my germinated beans in a big pot (20 litre) I will give the whole soil about a litre of water a day or 2 before. The heat in my tent (with a tube radiatior by the pot) is around 80f.

When the seed pops up and you have the little round leaves - put a clear plastic cup over it. Spray the inside of the cup.
Also use that cup for measuring small amounts of water every other day and build up. So maybe 1/10 of the cup for 1st watering ... then a couple of days later a 1/8 of the cup ... build up slowly - let the root search down for water.

Keep the cup (as a humidty dome) on for a couple of days

My temps are 66 lowest and highest gets 81 and RH is about 40-50%.

If you can keep a stable temp that's closer to 80f, it'll be better.

I have it in a 3 Gal fabric pot using Fox Farm Happy Frog with Gaia Green 444 and 284 mixed in at a decent ratio.

I don't know that soil, but I start in a "light mix" - sometimes with ammendments that are recommended dosages from Biotabs (an organic growing method that's pretty easy)
Starting a soil that's too hot can mess up your autoflower - a good start is key to getting a good plant.

Water is at pH 6.5, however I did use bottled water to germinate the seed. Would that have effected it I wonder?

That sounds fine - I use a water that's 6.2 and bottled and never had a problem.

And its ok im in Canada completely legal up here lol Thanks for looking out thoh

Sweet!! :D If you're comfortable with the prints on there, stick the photo back up - I think some people may have overestimated it's size :D

Keep this one going by all means for practice - but you may also want to try and germinate another and see if you can get a better start - I reckon if you do it will soon over take your little one you currently have.

Light height - Mines really powerful but i keep it high - for seedlings, i;d do the same and only lower it if it starts to look "leggy"

Hope this has helped a little
Good luck!! :D

Hi Again! ^_^

Thought i'd pop back and see if i can set you on a path for success for the next time.

I don't think that's it, although it could be that the watering wasn't optimal. When i drop my germinated beans in a big pot (20 litre) I will give the whole soil about a litre of water a day or 2 before. The heat in my tent (with a tube radiatior by the pot) is around 80f.

When the seed pops up and you have the little round leaves - put a clear plastic cup over it. Spray the inside of the cup.
Also use that cup for measuring small amounts of water every other day and build up. So maybe 1/10 of the cup for 1st watering ... then a couple of days later a 1/8 of the cup ... build up slowly - let the root search down for water.

Keep the cup (as a humidty dome) on for a couple of days

If you can keep a stable temp that's closer to 80f, it'll be better.

I don't know that soil, but I start in a "light mix" - sometimes with ammendments that are recommended dosages from Biotabs (an organic growing method that's pretty easy)
Starting a soil that's too hot can mess up your autoflower - a good start is key to getting a good plant.

That sounds fine - I use a water that's 6.2 and bottled and never had a problem.

Sweet!! :D If you're comfortable with the prints on there, stick the photo back up - I think some people may have overestimated it's size :D

Keep this one going by all means for practice - but you may also want to try and germinate another and see if you can get a better start - I reckon if you do it will soon over take your little one you currently have.

Light height - Mines really powerful but i keep it high - for seedlings, i;d do the same and only lower it if it starts to look "leggy"

Hope this has helped a little
Good luck!! :D

Thank you veey much for you input im gonna keep her alive and see where 8t takes me lol I was expecting my first grow to be a little funky anyways with not high expectations. Can only progress forwards for the next one [emoji16]

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Keep this one going by all means for practice - but you may also want to try and germinate another and see if you can get a better start - I reckon if you do it will soon over take your little one you currently have.

Stupid question, might already know the answer to this. But could I start another plant in the same pot? Its 5gal size but only has 3gal of soil. And if that other one starts taking off just up root the bad plant? Or would their roots be tangled up with each other?

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Stupid question, might already know the answer to this. But could I start another plant in the same pot? Its 5gal size but only has 3gal of soil. And if that other one starts taking off just up root the bad plant? Or would their roots be tangled up with each other?

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I used to grow 2 in one pot ... and now always start 2 but pull the weakest one after a few days.

If you've not got room for 2 pots in the tent and you're feeling brave, you could start one in a big drink cup (like a large cola from macdonalds) and transplant it to the pot if its looking good after 7 days. (replace the one you've got)
You gotta be careful that there's no root shock when transplanting - and the root dives down quite quickly (you don't want it to reach the bottom of the cup)

I personally wouldnt risk adding a seedling to that pot - as you say, the roots from your first may tangle with the one you're trying to get started.