Firstly, wanted to say thanks for all the info and knowledge I've already gained just from reading this forum before ever joining. I've been able to troubleshoot problems and find solutions quickly. After looking at a lot of grower forums, and no shade on anyone, this was the one I had to join.
I've a grow underway at the moment - mostly Blue Cheese from RQS which is a personal fave - and I have a couple of questions about my next planned grow, if that's not too impertinent?
After a long hiatus away from growing, when it used to be photos in the wardrobe lined with mylar, I'm now fulfilling a lifetime's ambition of growing fully organic outdoor autos. I'm in a Mediterranean-type climate with plenty of sun, but I'm finding that I'm not getting the seedlings to really take off when they're reliant just on sunlight. Once they hit like third node, they take off, but it takes them too long to get there, given the short life cycle of an auto.
I'm resigned to picking up some kind of lighting set up to get my future seedlings up and running for the first couple of weeks in future. What would y'all recommend in terms of that? I'm really only running about four plants at a time to stay legit in my location, so we'd be talking some kind of propagator-in-cupboard set up, I suspect.
Anyhow, thanks for inspiring an old wardrobe jockey to re-enter the game in this exciting new era of autos and air pots and cobs and whatnot.
I've a grow underway at the moment - mostly Blue Cheese from RQS which is a personal fave - and I have a couple of questions about my next planned grow, if that's not too impertinent?
After a long hiatus away from growing, when it used to be photos in the wardrobe lined with mylar, I'm now fulfilling a lifetime's ambition of growing fully organic outdoor autos. I'm in a Mediterranean-type climate with plenty of sun, but I'm finding that I'm not getting the seedlings to really take off when they're reliant just on sunlight. Once they hit like third node, they take off, but it takes them too long to get there, given the short life cycle of an auto.
I'm resigned to picking up some kind of lighting set up to get my future seedlings up and running for the first couple of weeks in future. What would y'all recommend in terms of that? I'm really only running about four plants at a time to stay legit in my location, so we'd be talking some kind of propagator-in-cupboard set up, I suspect.
Anyhow, thanks for inspiring an old wardrobe jockey to re-enter the game in this exciting new era of autos and air pots and cobs and whatnot.