Indoor LSD-25

Sorry again for the sideways pic haha but 3 days after beung topped and the 2 new tops are already getting a bit of length to them haha. Loving this strain so far. Just germinating another seed now. I have 10 more of them lol
Photo taken day 21. Put it under meizhi 300w now.
Lsd25 at day 25. Ive tied all but the first pair of branches down as they were a little bit lower than the rest. Only pulled the other brances down a tad. Aiming fir a nice even canopy.
Also its under the meizhi 300w now if ilI didnt mention it already.
Ive put the t5 in the top section and the lsd 25 [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] just cracked through 2 days ago so ill leave it under that for a flcouple weeks.
Goddamit... again with the sideways pics. I will never learn:crying::crying::face::face::face: