Outdoor Lowryder ..no signs of flowering



Hi to all at AFN I've been browsing this forum for some time learning stuff..(learned a lot..so thanks..:D) but now I have a question.

I have one Lowryder#1 plant (Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds) and it hasn't shown any preflowers so far (it's been out since may or june). I realized it's not a 100% auto....the days have grown shorter and cooler..so.should I bring it in or leave it out...soon it will get really cold (southern CzechRep.) and Im not sure if it can survive even though it is a ruderalis...If I do bring it in will it bud?.(no HID)..is it worth the trouble...?..
Hi Miguel, welcome to the forums, if it is not 100% auto than it will need to be put under light on 12/12 for it to flower, you say you don't have HID lighting but you can use CFL bulbs if you can get them locally
Yeah I know the basics...I don't think I'll be spending money on lamps for one plant only though. I was thinking If I could finish it on a window sill...(the days will be soon 12/12) any experience with this kind of growing?..(I started all of my girls on the window sill and they took off just great)
ooops...all my 'ryder' strains autoed early in life...typicaly 13-18 days for males...19-23 days for fems....someone may have mixed up ya seeds...wishing ya the best for ya grow....
I my self haven't grown anything that way, if your down to killing it or putting it in the window, then it won't hurt to try the window sill
Yeah I thought the same thing, just wanted to check if any of you guys tried it...will let you know if it works out...:D

P.S. somebody ripped out my 3 (40cm ...4-5week flowering automazars) and 3 other LR...so that's why I don't care anymore...:D

But thanks :p
It could have been the seed company there are some not so honest dealers out there did they come in a proper joint doctor packet
no it wasn't from joint doc's it was their remake or sth like that...from amsterdam marijuana seeds...I got those seeds when I knew nothing about the plant and genetics.(many ppl complained on their LR...)..now Im smarter...:D...